2 minute read
Dervlce Examtnatlon
The United States Civil Service Commission announces the following open competitive examination:
Timber Scaler
Application for timber scaler must be on file with the Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C., not later than April 23.
The examination is to fill vacancies in the Indian Service, and vacancies occurring in positions requiring similar qualifications.
The entrance salary is $1,860 a year,less $180 a year for quarters, fuel and light.
The duties are to scale timber on Indian reservations. including pick-up scale, and to supervise cutting and skidding, etc,, when necessary on the sale area.
Competitors rvill be rated on practical questions relative to the duties of the position, and on their training and expeflence.
Full information may be obtained from the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C., or the secretary of the United States Civil Service Board of Examiners at the post office or customhouse in any city.
Make Reservations Now for Termite Meeting
, J. Walter J(elly, San F'rancisco, secretary-treasurer of the, Iermite.Investigating Committee, has issued a special call to members of the executive and general commjttees and all others who are interested in teririte investigations, to make reservations at once for the general -"&ing oi the Termite Investigations Committee to be held at the Afexandria Hotel, Los Angeles, Wednesdal,, April 17 to 6 p. m.
Mr- Kelly announces that this will be a dinner neeting. and.that-the speakers will include Dr. Kofoid a"a pr"fess3. Llght, chairman and vice-chairman of the Biology com_ mittee; Dr. Merle Randall, chairman of the Cf,.,"lElf .o-_ mittee; T! C. Doody, Field Chemical Engine.r, ;;J i. i. Pickens, Field Biolirgist.
Reservations should be made not later than noon Tues_ day, April 16, by phone, wire or mail, with HarolJ Mi.h_ ener, Timber Products Engineer, So,uthern California Edi_ son Co.,3rd and Broadway, Los Angeles, FAber TlZl.Dtn_ ner 92.00 per plate.
"Modern Home Interior" Should be in Hands of Every Carpenter
E1grt carpenter in America should have a copy of ,,Mod_ ern Home Interiors," the booklet issued by tir. N"ii"""f Lumber Manufacturers' Association, -whiih .o""", -if,. home owner to modernize his house. Every carpenter who writes the N. L. M. A. headquarters, Transportaiion Build_ ing,.Wash.ington, D. C., wilf receive a cop1, gratis.
The mails are carrying copies of this inieristing booklet to all Carpenters' [Jnions in the United Stater_]3,100 of them. And word is sent to individual members, teffinf frow thel may obtain copies for personal use.
"I rgr putting it mildly when I say I am amazed. at the attractiveness of the ideas suggested,,' rvrites a retail as_ sociation secretarv.
"We think this'is one of the finest books ever published on this subject," says the advertising manager for one of the largest mtllwork manutacturers.
"ft is not only high grade, artistic work but the sugges- tlve-arrangements are very practical.,' This from a leiding Iumberman.
'iThi-:jr a spl_endid piece of work and beautifully gotten up."-1y"a,ern Lumbermen's Association_
Architects, 'contractors, builders and lumbermen who would like to distribute this booklet may obtain the same in quantity lots-minimum 5O copies-at 6 cents each copy, postage or exp_ress charges prepaid. This charge represents half the actual cost of productlon.