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lYendling - Nathan Co.


Wholesalere of Douglas

Fir Redwood California White & Sugar Pine

If you have never had

Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worlred uppers.

Main Office: A. L Hoover, Agt. San Francisco Los AngeleJ

I l0 Market St. Standard Oil BIdg.

Thirty lumbermen met at Visalia on Thursday noon, March 21. The meeting was held at the Johnson Hotel. Harry A. Lake, A. J. Stoner, F. Dean Prescott, Elmore King and Frank Wright, directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, were among those attending the meeting. Follorving the meeting, several of the lumbermen visited the nerv remodeled offices of the Tulare Lumber Co.

Fred Roth Back At Work

Fred Roth, sales manag'er for J. H. McCallum, San Francisco, is back at his desk again ifter an attack of flu which kept him away from the office for ten days.


A. D. Squires, vice president of Mark W. Lillard Inc., I-os Angeles, is in Arizona on a ten-day trip in interest of tne company.


_-M._S_.Lopes Jr., in charge of the Box Department of the Bloedel-Donovan Lumbei Mills in Southern California. has returned from a week's business trip to San Francisco,

Coyote Lumber Company Install Moore Kiln

The Coyote Lumber Company, who operate several sawm_ills near Eugene, Oregon, - recently installed one of Moore's modern Cross Ciriulation Internal Fan Kilns for seasoning their sap Douglas Fir dimension. C. W. Brooks, Manager of the operation, reports that 2,, Douglas Fir sap climension can be satisfactorily seasoned in his-new kiln iir 48 hours drying time. The diying is done on lorv tempera- ture scheclules and high humidity, .rvhich gives very best quality of dr1.ing. The dry kiln is constiucted of- wood trame ancl is l2'x52' inside measurements. Due to the edge to edge stacking of lumber and the wide kiln loads e.mployed, the kiln has a holding capacity ol 36,W of 2,, dimension. The fan system on-the-kiln-is opeiated bv a small steam engine.

The Coyote Lumber Company have trvo sawmills, the larger mill having a capacity of 5Q0OO, of lumber per day and the smaller one a -ca^pacity of 40,000,. They spicializl in the manufacture of 2" long joists of No. '1 grade of Douglas fir dimension.


Why the largert millr are installing our IMPROVED AIR COOLED REFT'SE BURNERS.

WE .A,RE ABLE to care for your requirements for air cooled and brick lined refuse burnerrnew and ured boilerr of all rizes and typer.


WORI(s Scattlc, \l/rh.

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