1 minute read
New Company IlrHOLESATE
Organizing a new ,company but retaining the old name, several lumber'companies, allied industries and individuals of the Pacific Northwest have purchased the Stetson-Ross Machine Company's plant and business at Seattle, Wash. The organization of the new company was engineered by E. D. Kingsley, president of the West Oregon Lumber Company of Linnton, Ore., and past President of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association
Gerald Frink, president of the Washington Iron Works in Seattle has been elected chairman of the board of directors. The entire board is composed of A. H. Onstad, Chief Engineer, Weyerhaeuser Timber Company of Tacoma; H. C. Hilke, general superintendent of the Seattle Cedar Lumber Manufacturing Company; J. W. Thompson, general manager of the Charles R. McCormick Lumber Company, Port Gamble; A.A. Gardner, Pacific Coast Manager for Ilenry Disston & Sons, Seattle; W. T. Pritchard of Seattle; Mr. Kingsley and Mr. Frink.
Mr. Pritchard is president of the new ,company. Mr. Frink is vice president; M. L. Veatch of Seattle is secretary and Mr. Gardner is treasurer.