5 minute read
The above illustration shorvs E. V. (Ed.) Lewis, the handsome and popular secretary of the G. H. Brown Hardwood Companv, Oakland, Calif., after a successful hunting trip r,vhen he bagged the limit. Needless to say, Ed. is an expert shot and when he starts out to get some ducks he does it in a big rvay.
Appointed Hoo Hoo State Counselor for California
J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant", Los Angeles, has been appointed Hoo Hoo state counselor for California. The appointment was made by Supreme Arcanoper A. A. Frost of Los Angeles. During the past year, Mr. Martin served as vicegerent snark of the Los Angeles district. He is also a past president of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, and a former secretary-treasurer of the San Francisco lloo Hoo Club.
_ R. L. Reedy, sales manager of the Wheeler Osgood Company, Tacoma, Wash., left San Francisco, April 7Z for _Tacoma, after spending two weeks on a business trip to Northern and Southern California.
Ed. Ivory, Chas. Nelson Co., San Francisco, spent a few days in Los Angcles around the middle nf the month on company business.
Writing practically every form of Casualty Inrurance.
Prernium income organization $l5rqnrOOO.OO.
Losses, adjustments and other expense; cince organization approximately $1l,OOO,O00.(n.
Dividends rince organization, $3,2OO,OOO.OO.
A National 161i1q1i611-l007o protection.
Sales, claim, and service o'ficer conveniently located throughout the United Stater.
Underwood Bldg.
E. J. Brockman
Telcphone: DOuglar 663l
334 H. W. Hellman Bldg.
R. E. WalLcr
(The Clearing Houce)
This Column of "'Wants" and "Don't 'Wants" is fon
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy
The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: 52.s0 pu coturnn inch
The Fellow Who Wantg to Be Hired
praning *,,r, t""il,?I;"i,laEs."*. wnr dispose of our entire stock of windows, doors, glass and kilrl dried mill stock; also modern machinery. New 3 years ago. Office equipment. Will sell by unit or as a whole. Property 325 ft. x 150 ft. with Santa Fe trackage. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.
Wholesaler Wants Connection
Lumberman with several years' experience in Southern California desires wholesale or mill connection. White and Sugar Pine or Douglas Fir. Knows the retail trade and trade requirements. Can furnish references. Address Box C-326, care California Lumber Merchant.
STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, IVIANAGEMENT. CIRCULATION, ETC., REOUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, Of The California Lumber Merchant, published Semi-monthly at Los Angeles, California, for April lst,19J0.

Statc of California ) e6ui'ti-ot-lji'In'gele", lt"'
Bcfore me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforcsaid, personally appeared J. E. I\Iartin, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Managing Editor of The California Lumber Merchant. and that the followine is. to the best of his knowledge and belief,; true statement of thd ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of thc aforcsaid publication for thc date -shown in the above caption, required by thl Act of August U, lgl?: embodied in section 4U, Postal Laws and Rcgulatioas, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: l. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managcrs are: Publisher, J. C, Dionne,3l8 Cenlral Bldg., Los Angelcs; Editol, J, C. Dionne,3l8-Central Bldg,, Los Angeles; Managing Editor, J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Ips Angeles; Business Managers, None,
2. That the owner is: (If owned by a corooration, its name and addrcas must bc statcd and also immidiatelv -thereunder the names aad addrerser of gtoclholdcrc owning or holdiirr onc Der cent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned bv a-corporation. the names and addrceses of thc individual owncrs muit bc ciien. If'owned by a 6rm, company, or other unincorporatcd concern, its name and addriss, as well as those of each individual member. must be. given,)
J. C. Dionnc, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles. Calif.'
!. That thc known bondholders, mortlagees, and other security holders owning or holding I Der ccnt' or mor-e if t6tal amount of bonds-, mortgagca, or othcr securities arc: (If there are none, so state.) None.
4. That thc two paragraphs next above, grving thc namcs of the owncrs, stockholders, and *curity holders, if any. contain not only tbc list of stockholdcrs and security holders as they aooear uoon thb boolg of thc company but also, in cascs where ihe - itockhdlder or lecgrity holdcr appears upon .the books of the company as trustcc or in any other fiduciary relation, thc namc of the person or corDora. tion for whom such trustee is acting, is givcn; also-that the aaid two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full kaowledgc end bclief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholdcr! and sccurity_bolderg who do not appear upon the books of the cempany e3 trusteca. bold stock and securities in a caoacity other than that-of a bona f,dc oincr: and this aftiant has no reason to-believe that anv other pcrson, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in thc said stock, boods, or other securities than as so stated by him.
5. That the avelage numbcr of copies of cach issue of this oubli. catioa sold or distributed, through the mails or otheruise. to Daid subscribcrs during thc six monthC preceding the date showa abovl ir (This information is rcquired from daily publications only.) sworn ro and subscribed before me ,il;"":tlllTIT' Manasinr.,€ditor' TSEAL]
(My commission cxpires Aug. 18, 1930.)
Experienced lumberman in buying, selling, estimating, accounting, corresponderice and credits, wahts position with Southern California lumber company where ability and experience will be recognized. Experience includes eight years with lumber manufacturers where duties began as yard clerk and ended with position of sales and office manager. Six years' experience as assistant manager and auditor with retail building material and lumber yard. At present conhected with yard as assistant manager. Can furnish references. 33 years old, married. Address Box C-320, care California Lumber Merchant.
Job-(not position)-by experienced lumberman. Can handle anything from lumber jack to manag'ement of retail yard. Best of references. Will consider going north or out of state. Address Box C-324, California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Lumber Yard and Complete Building material store. County Seat town of 11,000 in rich, fastest growing agricultural section. in Southern California. Will give long lease on Yard site on 7/o net return. Would like to sell improvements. fnvestment in fixed assets small. Not a "distress" sale but a fine opportunity to take over a well established, profitable business w{rich has been under one management for over 20 years. Address Box C-325, California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted Position
Lumber Yard Manager, Los Angeles experience, Paints -IfardwareSalesPlan Book ServiceCollectionsBookkeeping-Sales Promotion-Financing-make yard center of building activities, no profit in selling lumber by thousand feet. Address Box C-327, care California Lumber Merchant.
Salesman Wanted
Salesman Wanted. Los Angeles Wholesaler has oBening for salesman thoroughly acquainted with industrial and furniture factory users in Hardwoods. Address Box C-328, California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
One-third interest in an incorporated retail lumber yard situated near two major boulevards. 2O minutes from the center of Los Angeles. Take $2500.00. Must be an experienced job man, operate machinery, drive truck, fill orders, etc. Address Box C-329.'California Lumber l\{erchant.