1 minute read
A one-panel door; square sticking; outside edges ind corners rbunded; 3-fly rotary c.rfo"n""r panel; veneered stilesVith built uD cores. -Vill not warp, Desisned by C'alifornians. Made in California. Tor Caiifornia. Guaranteed.
J7-* Kinc
A distinctive combinatron of swle. beauw and durability. Attractive flush'moulding. 3-ply rotary cut veneer Danel inset firmlv in stilei and riils will not wbrk loose and raitle. Veneered stiles with built-up cores. The style king of American doors] Guaranteed.
These two doors, made throughout of Long-Bell California 'White Pine, offer the discriminating builder full value for his investment. They are readily adaptable to any finish, will not warp and cost less to fit, mortise and hang than doors of other woods. Available through retail lumber dealers.
Douglas Fir Lumber, Timbere, Door and Window Frames, Trimpak; Weatem Ilemlock Lumber; Westen Red Cedar Siding and Shingles; Southem Pine Lumber and Timben; Southem llardwood Lumber, Timbe$ and Trim. pak; Oak Flooring, 'CELLized Oak Flooring Strips, *CELLized Oak Floor Planks, 'CELLized Oak Floor Blocks. Califomia White Pine Lumber, Sash and Doors, Box Shooks; Creoooted Southem Pine Lumber, Timbers, Postc, Polee, Tiec, Gurd.Rail Poets, Piling.