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Law Now Requires Army and M. S. Lopes, J.., Elected

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N.vy Purchase Domestic Goods Secretary-Manager

Washington, Mar. 9.-The President yesterday signed Public Law No. 53 (Bingham Bill), recently passed by Congress, requiring that domestic goods be preferred in army and navy purchases. The National Lumber Manufacturers Association, in this 'connection, calls attention to the fact that the recent practice of the military services has been to show preference to goods produced in the United States, though little more than a year ago, it was pointed out by forest products industries, orders were being let for large quantities of furniture built of foreign woods. Under the new law domesti,c goods are to receive preference, where such preference is not unreasonable, even though the price advantage is not in their favor. It is understood the services contemplate future specification of furniture for non-commissioned officers' quarters in domestic woods only and the gradual replacement of officers' furniture in domestic woods, though replacements to match existing suites will, where necessary, be in imported woods. Congress is now considering the Wilson bill which would make similar preferential consideration of domestic goods and materials mandatory for all government purchasing officers, and government contractors, sub-contractors, and their agents.

Redwood Executive Back Fro Eastern Trip

Herb Klass, general sales manager of The Pacific Lum. ber Company, San Francisco, returned April 11 from a seven weeks' business trip in the Eastern States.

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