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Rate---$2.50 Per Column Inch.
For Sale
Lumber Yard Donkey-Wheels 18 inches high, 6 inches wide, 6-ft. steel frame-Ford Engine. Our Cost Sell
Just the thing for heavy pulls.
George Dunton, 420 East Fourth
$100.00 St., Santa Ana, Calif.
Sales Executive
Wants Position. Thoroughly familiar in various channels for all Western woods. 11 years' experience in California trade and understands Eastern and Foreign demands. Address Box C-438, California Lumber Merchant.
For a good yard in a one or two yard town. Northern California or Oregon preferred. Address Box 437, California Lumber Mer'chant.
24, 1912,
Position Wanted By Experienced Office Man
Experienced lumber office man, stenographer and bookkeeper, several years experience with wholesale lumber firms. Capable, reliable, references furnished. Address California Lumber Merchant. Box C-430.
Position Wanted By Experienced Salesman
Experienced salesman, desires connection, past three years covered Southern California district for an Eastern manufacturer. Familiar with California architects, lumber dealers and contractors. Married, can furnish references. Address California Lumber Merchant, Box C-428.
Salesman Wanted
Prominent manufacturer of spray painting equipment line desires sales representation contacting lumber dealers. Liberal commission basis. Can be handled with one or two other lines. Give details and territory now covering. Address Box C-434, California Lumber Merchant.
Of The California Lumber Mercfuant, published Semi-monthly at Los Angeles, California, for April l,1932. State oI California ) County of Ins Angeles, J""'
Before me, a Notary Public in and for the Statc and county aforcsaid, personally appeared J. E. Martin, who, having been duli sworn according to law, deDoses and says that he is the Manacine Editor of The California Lumber Merchaat. and that the followinc- isi to the bcst of his knowledgc and belief, a true statemcnt of th; owncrship, management (and if a daily paper, thc circulatioa), ctco of the rfcc. said publicatiou for thc date sbown in the above caption, rcquircd by the Act of August A, fnz, cmbodied in scction 4U. Pobtal Laws and RcSulations, printed o! the reverse of this form. t6 wit: l. That the names and addresses of the publisher. cditor. nanaqinr cditor, and business managers are: Publisheri J. C. Dionne. 318 Cen-tra'l Bldg., I+s Angelcsi Editoi, J. C. Dionne,3lS-Central Bldg., Los An- gclea; Ma.gaging Editor, J. E. Martin, 318 Ccntral Bldg., I,oi Angeles; buslness Managerl, None,
2. That the owner is: (If owned by a corooration. its namc and address must be statcd and also immldiatelv'thcreurider thc names and addresses of gtockholders owning or holdiiq onc Der ccnr or morc of total amount of stock. If not owned bv a-coroor-ation. thc names aad addrcsseg of the individual owners mus-t bc siven. If -owncd bv a 6rm, company, or oth€r utrincorporated cmcern. its name and addriss. as well as those of cach individual member, must be qiven.)
Thc Califomia Lumber Mcrchant (a corporation), 318 -Centril Bldg., Los Angcles.
J. C. Dionne, 318 Central Bldg,, Los Angeles.
]. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., bs Angeles.
A, C. Merryman, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
T. P. Wier, Ilouston, Texas.
3. That the krrown bondholders, mortgageea, and othcr rccurity holders owning or holding I Der ccnt or moie -of t6tal imount of bondl'. mortgageS, or other cecurities are: (If there are none. so state.) None-
4. That thc two paragrapbs next abovc, eivins'thc naroei of thc ownc,rs, stockhold€rs, and scurity holders, if ani. contaiir trot olly tbc li6t of stockholdcrs and security holders as they aoocar uoon thl booke of thc company but also, i-n casea *-bcrc ihc'itoclndair oi lecurity holder lppcars upon .the books of the- company as trustcc of r!- aay ,otncf louclary relatton, the namc ot thc Derlo! or corDora. tion tor whom 8uch trustce iE acting, ie giycn; allo-that thc raid two par-agraphs contain statcmentr embracing-affiaht'r fult knowlcdiJ erid belief aE to the circumstanccs and conditions undcr whicb rtock[oldcrr and recurity holders who do not appcar upon the bookr of thc comoanv a! trustce!, hold rtock and sccurities in a capacity other than that-of; bona fidc orncrl and thig affiant has no reason to'believe that any other perlon, as8ociation, or corporation has any intercst direct or indirect in thc laid atocL, bonds, or other securities than as go stated bv him.
5. That thc average numbcr of copicr of cach icsue of thir oubli. calion rold or distributed, through the mails or othcrwisc. to- oaid subscribcrc during thc six monthJ preceding the date shown'rbbvi ii (This iniormation is required from daily publications only.) sworn to and subscribed berore me ,n,, Jr'r,?',15f*fllili.lf:t5ine rait6r' ISEAL] FREDA R.. FAULSON. ' (My commissioa cxpires Aug. 18, f934.)
British Lumber Market Outloolr
Somewhat lmproved
The British lumber market outlook is regarded somewhat improved owing partly to a feeling of greater security as a result of recent favorable developments in public finances and foreign exchange conditions, and the belief that these factors will result in general trade improvement, therefore causing more activity in the lumber consuming industries. This information was radioed to the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce by Trade Commissioner James Sbmerville Jr., at London,'
Business in Douglas fir shows signs of improvement on the British market and shippers quotations are firm, particularly on better grades of Canadian origin.
Pitch pine sales of sa.ivn timber were active the early part of February owing to the drop in c.i.f. prices but quotations are now firmer and arrivals fairly heavy.
The American hardrvood trade continues dull and a resumption of an active demand is further retarded by higher prices consequent with the placement of the 10 per cent duty. The volume of American hardrvood imports has been further reduced and stocks are not heavy but sufficient for present demand.
Some improvement in the plywood market has been noticed by the trade although most purchases have probably been for parcels arriving prior to March 1st, thereby avoiding the new duty. Forward business in plywood is limited and there is no evidence of improvement in consumer demand. The market for Douglas fir plywood continues inactive.
We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Plywood west of Chicago. Our well assorted stocks, our well known dealer policy and our central location guarantee the kind of service you demand; Progessive lumber merchants should carry these quality products. Familiarize your trade of the advantages of using Plywood. For remodeling and modernizing they are real economy.
Also a Complete Line of Pressed W ood Mouldings