2 minute read
Suggestions For Beautifying
Home Premises
Nothing adds so much to the general outside appeardnce of a home, whether it be a costlv mansion or a small bungalow, as well designed trellises, pergolas, lawn furniture, and fences with attractive gates and arches. These, and numerous other articles for use both inside and outside of the home, are completely described and illustrated in a booklet entitled "You Can Make It For Profit", issued by the National Committee on Wood Utilization of the Department of Commerce.
The suggestions contained in the manual are particularly timely in view of the fact that spring home beautification programs are being outlined now by civic and community organizations, as well as by individual home ownef,s. The equipment described in the committee's manual is neither difficult to construct nor does it represent a great outlay of money, but it will enhance the attractiveness and the value of the property.
A window, a corner or jog in the exterior side wall, a fireplace chimney, or a blank wall may be made more attractive by the addition of simple lattice-wall trellises. Such trellises also provide ideal supports for vines and climbing foses.
Of all outdoor home amusement devices, according to the booklet, there are probably none that have a greater fascination for children than sand boxes, swings, and seesdws. Then, for adults, the manu'al illustrates lawn tables, lawn benches, garden nooks, lawn chairs and seats.
Heavy blooms and long, slender stems of such flowers as dahlias, sunflowers and other plants of similar shape, make it necessary to provide supports for them. Garden sticks shown in the booklet are especially adapted to supporting plants, and they can be made unusually attractive by painting.
Besides giving detailed information on each of the articles illustratdd, the bulletin contains other valuable information regarding the selection of materials and tools. A special chapter is devoted to a discussion of painting and decorating. Helpful woodworking shop suggestions also are listed.
In most instances the articles illustrated are plain design so as to appeal to the handy man. In the preparation of the booklet, special emphasis has been given to individual requirements so as to avoid competition with merchandise produced on a mass production scale.
Inasmuch as the conveniences can be constructed by the handy man temporarily unemployed, the committee, in its booklet, has discussed a number of ways in which the articles made for profit may be marketed, The highway has proved to be a successful means of selling such products, while chain and ii'rdependent department stores, mail order houses, hardware and paint stores, souvenir and specialty shops ofier good markets for disposing of useful home items.
"You Can Make It For Profit" is available at the nomi4al sum of ten cents a copy, but civic organizations and other groups or individuals may secure copies in quantity lots at further reduced prices.
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