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34O STOCKTON ST.. SAN FRANCISCO Nar Union Sqw - Telephoe Sutter 240 l5o Rooms, Each with Tub and Shower Stricdy Fireproof $2.OO to 13.{D Single - $2.5O to 14.fi) Double Spaial Wee&ly ard Mmthly Ratea$eruilg CIub Brea.kf*tc 25c, 35c, 50c. Dimen, including Sun&y, Sllc

Take Any Yellou Cab ds Our Cuest . Free Gardge

Since automob'e ;:::T:":,, advertise prices "f.o.b. Detroit" and radio manufacturers quote their sets priced at a certain figure "less tubes," we suggest that other lines follow the same practice, sornething like this:

"Try this snappy hat, $4.50 less sweatband."

"Try these delicious canned peaches, only 15 cents, sweetening extra."

"Look over this fine home, well located, $5,754, windows and doors extra."

"Spectacles that fit your personality, price $8, lenses extra.tt

"A fine, cornfortable shoe for men, $7.50, soles extra."

"This snappy suit of clothes, with two pairs of pants, price $30 f.o.b. New York."

April Roads

I love the half forgotten roads

When April sings her roundelay, And robins in old orchards croon Their morning hymns to greet the day.

I love the half-forgotten trails

That wind through summer-scented hills, Beyond some far horizon where The rainbow's azure color spills.

I love October's fires at night, Where memories their treasures bring, It's there forgotten April's are, When age grows young, remembering.

-Harold D. Carews.


"It is beautiful that Force should have Right for a master, that Progress should have Courage for a leader, that Intelligence should have llonor for a sovereign, that Conscience should have Duty as a despot, that Civilization should have Liberty as a queen, and that the servant of Ignorance should be Light."

Another Viewpoint

The railway tracks ran parallel with the fence of the insane asylum, and the brakeman stood alongside the track waiting for the engine to switch back. Inside an inmate leaned against the fence, eyeing the brakeman.

"Do you work for the railroad?" asked the one inside.

"Yes," replied the brakeryan.

"Do you have to work every day, whether you like to or not?"

ttYes.t' ttYes.t'

"Do you work no matter how bad the weather is, or how bad you feel?"

'Did it ever occur to you that you're on the wrong side of this fence?"


Longfellow said this of critics: "Some critics are like chimney-sweepers; they put out the fire below, and frighten the swallows from their nests above; they scrape a long time in the chimnel, cov€r themselves with soot, and bring nothing away but a bag of cinders, and then sing frorn the top of the house as if they had built it."


"Niggah, whah you bin lately? Ah ain't seed you?"

"Ah bin lookin' fo'work."

"Boy, you curosity goin' t'git you in trouble, yit."

She Knew

Mother: "Daughter, do you know where bad little girls go ?"

Precious Youngster: "Anywhere, Mother-anywhere."


"We learn practically nothing from a victory. All our lessons come from defeat. A winner forgets most of his mislshss."-Coach Meehan.

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