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With That Mutual Interest

Expert counsel to prevent firesSpecialized policies to protect against lossSubstantial dividends to protect against cost. 'Write any of our companies.

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The Field bill, designed to prevent faulty school constru,ction and as a safeguard against earthquake damage, was signed by Governor James Rolph, Jr., at Sacramento, on April 10. The bill was introduced in the Legislature by Assemblyman C. Don Fields of Glendale, Calif., following the Southern California earthquake when many s'chools in the quake zone were damaged. The bill carries an urgency clause and became effective when signed.

Under the new law, every public school house built or repaired in California must be constru,cted from plans designed by licensed architects or engineers, must contain safety factors to withstand horizontal earth shocks, must pass rigid, double inspection by the local and state authorities, and be certified as to quality of materials and soundness in workmanship. Sworn affidavits by builders, contractors and inspectors must be filed several times during construction attesting to adequacy of'construction and materials. Violations of these provisions are made a felony.

Laminated Fire Curtain Ordered For Yolo Job

Approved by both the State Highway Department and the Bureau of Public Rbads, Washington, D. C., a laminated fire curtain of. 2x4 Redwood has been ordered from the Hammond Lumber Company, San Francisco, to be installed on every tenth bent of the timber construction of the Yolo Causeway job. Thoroughly dry stock is being used in order that no shrinkage can take place after the curtain is fabricated. This type of wall, it is claimed, makes a combination that is fire retardant and at the same time has a high insulation value.

Back With Union Lumber Co.

Fred Burgers, associated with covering his old well known Redwood salesman, is again the Union Lumber Company, and started territory, the San Joaquin Valley, April 1.

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