3 minute read
,' T*elve Months' Experience Has Made Pioneer Red Seal Op"ners Nationalfy Famous
Two years ago the Pioneer Paper Company, of Los Angeles, came out with its new line of Forestry Blend asphalt shingles. It was a smashing, instantaneous hit. ' Always seeking something new to highlight their merchandising, they then went looking about for another new .idea that would be both useful and attractive. A year ago 'they found it. The idea came from the fertile mind of ]ack Plunkett, their leader and General Manager. He called it "Red Seal Openers" for asphalt roll roofing
He had looked over their business, which fundamentally 'consists of creating markets for asphalt products, and 'asked the question-"What is the oldest-fashioned, most ,archaic thing about asphalt roofings?" And he promptly guessed the answer. It was "the wrapping around the ,roll." Never had this been changed. From the beginning of the roll roofing business aSphalt rolls had been simply wrapped in a protective covering of paper. This, when the time for use came, had to be clumsily cut away. Often it was stuck to the outside of the roll. It took time, and efjfort, and generally some loss of the enclosed stock to get the roofing out of its wrapping and ready fgr business.
So they contrived a rip cord to do the work. No ordinary rip cord, mind you. They made it of twisted red and ,white 'cord, running lengthwise of the roll, of course, and held in place, ready for pulling from either end of the roll, by a good looking red seal. Thence the name.
When the roofer gets ready to use a roll of Pioneer roofing he simply picks up the end of the red and white cord as it projects from the Red Seal, pulls on it, the package splits neatly open, there is no loss of time or contents, and the roll is ready. The cover just falls away.
Naturally it was an instantaneous- hit. The Flintkote Company, asso,ciated interest of Pioneer Paper, which mer.chandises asphalt roofing and other products all over the United States, announces that the Red Seal Opener is being adopted in all their eastern plants, and the rolls with this novel attachment will be sold all over the country.
Pioneer has found the Red Seal Opener and the red and white rip cord a decided help in selling their roll roofing, and experience has given the building trades so high an opinion of its usefulness, that they have decided in just a year's time that it is one of the greatest merchandising features ever employed in their business.
"Zip-and it's off !" is their slogan with regard to the Red Seal Opener. And, because the building artisan and mechanic has given unqualified approval to this innovation for HIS convenience and assistance, he asks for Red Seals when he specifies roll roofing.
'So now, through the great Flintkote organization which covers the country, users of roll roofing everywhere will be able to say, when they come to open a roll-"Zip-and it's off !"
April Blue Book on Time Talks to Rotary Clubs
I Chicago, Ill., April l,-The April edition of the Lumbermen's Blue Book is ofi the press, and is being delivered to subscribers. F. .W. Wright, General Manager, remaiks that ,despite the extraordinary amount of revision required under present conditions, the book is out on time, as usual. He 4scribes the ability of.the "Blue Book" organization to keep :pace with the large volume of changes in ratings and list'ings..to the fact that the regular avenues of information are supplemented by the close cooperation of subscribers, and this is especially true in connection with the regional Trade Interchanges which develop advance data.
The o'Blue Book" is an activity of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, in conjunction with the Credit Clearing }Iouse, and has at its disposal the facilities of a network of affiliate offices from coast to coasf' Executive headquarters are maintained at 323 South Franklin Street, Chicago, and Eastern headquarters in the Grand Central i'Terminal, New York City, with field representatives at ,various' important lumber cefiters.
W. R.'Chamberlin, president of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., isan Francisco, returned April 4 from a business trip to .Los Angeles.
Rotary Club members of Davis, Calif., heard an interesting talk by C. H. Griffen, Jr., general manager of the California Redwood Association, at their luncheon meeting ol1 March 27. 'Illustrating his talk with motion pictures showing earthquake damage in Southern California cities, Mr. Griffen explained the reasons for.the damage, and empha. sized the fact that good construction would have prevented practically all of the damage to wooden structures. He also showed pictures of some outstanding Redwood jobs. Mr. Griffen gave a similar talk before the Rotary Club of Dixon on March 29.
Sells Factory Built House
Pacific Manufacturing Co. recently sold through their San Francisco office one of their Eldorado Factory Built Homes to the Hope Ranch, Santa Barbara. This will be erected on the Hope Ranch subdivision on the coast just north of Sant3 Barbara. The Pacific Manufacturing Co. is hopeful that this ,concern will standardize on these houses for their sub. division on which they expect homes. to build between 25 and 4O