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Young Lumberman Wants Connection


Redwood or White Pine .connection for Ohio territory requiring full and exclusive time. Have been exclusive Cypress salesman in Ohio many years for large Cypress manufacturer. For obvious reasons would prefer change from Cypress to Redwood or White Pine. Address Box C-469, The California Lumber Mer'chant.

Lumber Yard For Farm

Wanted to trade for Lumber Yard in thriving California town, WELL IMPROVED CLEAR NORTH DAKOTA FARM, SIX HUNDRED ACRES. Address Box C-474, California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

Lumber yard in Southern California. Old established yard. Stock about $12,000.00; sheds, trucks and office fixtures $7,500.00. Can lease real estate very reasonably. Business good, wonderful opportunity for good lumberman, It will pay to investigate. Address Box C-475, The California Lumber Merchant.

B. C. Lumber Exports Decline

British Columbia waterborne lumber exports from the principal B. C. ports during the first two months of 1933 totaled 92,896 M Bd. F't., ,compared rvith 110,829 M ft. in the same period ol 1932, a decline of 16 per cent, state reports from Vice Consuls Nelson P. Meeks at Vancouver and Robert M. Newcomb at Victoria made publi,c by the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce. Total February 1933 exports amounted to only 40,677 M ft., compared with 53,525 M ft. in February 1932.

British Columbia waterborne exports to the principal markets during the first 2 months of 1933 compared with the 1932 period, respectively, in board feet, were as follows : to the United States 419 M ft. compared with 23,789 M ft., a decline of about 98 per cent; to the United Kingdom and Continent 19,953 M ft. compared with 13,625 M ft., an increase of 46 per cent; to the Orient (Japan and China) 57,250 M ft. compared with 60,990 M ft., a decline of 6 per cent; to Australia and New Zealand 14,637 M ft. compared with 10,449 M ft., an in,crease of 40 per cent.

Creosoted Wood Piles 43 Years In Service

Seattle, Washington.-Creosoted wood piles 43 years in service at Pier No. 3, East River, New York Harbor, were found on a recent thorough inspection to be in excellent condition, according to a report by L. E. Driver, chief engineer to the New York Dock Company, the owner, dated April9, 1932.

9 years' experience in the mill-wholesale and retail trade. Thorough knowledge of cost accounting and sales promotion. Knowledge of the German and French language. Some capital available for secure investment. A-1 references. Desirous of position with reliable concern. Address Box C-472, care California Lumber Mer,chant.

Wants Position With Line Yard Concern

Lumberman for the past several years manager of large retail yard in California would like to make connection with line yard concern. Fifteen years' experience in the logging, mill, wholesale and retail ends of the business. Can assume responsibility and has initiative to produce results. Address Bdx C-473, The California Lumber Merchant.

Plans for Small Homes

Seattle, Wash., April l.-The first distribution of a new architectural service, consisting of an eight-page pamphlet giving four floor plans and perspectives of homes which can be built at a cost of from $800 to $1800, depending on local price, is being mailed to retail lumber dealers throughout the country by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association.

In the announcement to retail lumber dealers, the Association expressed the belief that a million small homes might be sold in the United States during the year 1933 if the proper kind of small home plans ,could be gotten to the public. Dealers were urged to secure copies of the booklet, "West Coast Plans for Small Homes", for local distribution and to advertise these modern small houses in their local newspapers, the Association to provide at cost the necessary illustrations.

The booklet contains four perspectives and floor plans as follows:

1. A studio home with a vaulted ceiling, by H. E. Crawford and Arnott Woodroofe, associate architects, Walla Walla, Washington. Has living room 16x24 feet; trvo bed rooms and kitchen; cost at Walla Walla, $1,250.

2. Early American Cottage, 1933 Model, by F. M. Smith, Jr., architectural designer, Seattle; four rooms and garage; cost at Seattle, $1,000.

3. New England Cottage in the Modern Style, by H. H. Riley, architect, Seattle; four rooms and garage, cost about $1,000, at Seattle.

4. A simple Colonial, by H. H. Riley, architect, Seattle; three rooms, bath, breakfast nook and garage; cost about $800 at Seattle. Provision for extra room upstairs.

Plans, specifications and bills of materials, the Association announced, will be furnished at cost to retail lumber dealers. Copies of the booklet may be had by the public at ten ,cents each to cover printing and mailing costs.

We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Plywood west of Chicago. Our well assorted stocks, our well known dealer policy and our central location guarantee the kind of service you demand. Progessive lumber merchants should carry these quality products. Familiarize your trade of the advantages of using Plywood. For remodeling and modernizing they are real economy.

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