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TTDEFENSE ot WAn REQAIEEMENTS" Pacific Wood Products GorlDoration

Sash and Door Manufacturers

3600 Tyburn Street, Lros Angeles

Prelerence Procedures for \Var Housing Outlined

San Francisco, March 3l-Procedures for the assignment of preference ratings and the allotment of materials for privately-financed war housing construction under the Controlled Materials Plan have been established by the War Production Board and the National Housing Agency, it was announced today.

Under the Controlled Materials Plan, authorization to obtain controlled materials will be handled by the various claimant agencies to whose jurisdiction the projects have been assigned. Under this plan, therefore, the National Housing Agency, as claimant for the war housing program, will assign preference ratings and allot controlled materials in connection with the processing of applications for privately-financed housing construction.

Paving the way for establishment of these procedures is a new order, P-55-8, which was announced today by WPB. This order is similar to preference rating order P-55 as amended, the preference rating order issued for residential construction, except that certain changes have been made in order to adapt the administration of the war housing program to the Controlled Materials Plan.

Under procedures which have been established by WpB and NHA, consumers of materials must file a pD-105 form, the application form used for residential construction, and a PD-105a form, which contains a materials list. Consumers are then granted a P-55-B order, which

Telephone Alrbany 0l0I

l**.H0N0B B0lr"**: * of Lumbermen in Armed Forees *

Keith Munger, Burnett Lumber Company, Tulare ..Army

"Deac" Henry, Burnett Lumber Company, Tulare ...Navy

Ellsworth La Boyteaux, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Companv .... Army

Nathan Hart, Piedmont Lumber & Mill Company, Piedmont ..J...Army

"lfank" Aldrich, H. W. Aldrich Lumber Company Eugene, Ore. . Navy

Byron H. Phelps, formerly with The Diamond Match Company, Sebastopol .Army Air Corps Reserve authorizes the beginning of construction provided that only those materials are used which have been approved on the materials list (PD-105a). To obtain materials, consumers must submit to the National Housing Agency forrn CMP-H-1 requesting allotments and preference ratings.

New Ship Named for Humboldt Pioneer

The 10,500-ton Liberty freighter, S. S. William Carson, the 165th ship launched from the yards of the California Shipbuilding Corp. slid down the ways April 7, with Mrs. Court Eliason of Oakland, wife of the regional advisor of the U. S. Maritime Commission acting as sponsor.

The keel for the S. S. William Carson was laid down on March 12 of this year. It was on the ways only 26 days.

William Carson was- born in Charlotte County, New Brunswick, on July 15, 1825. He gained his early experience in lumbering by assisting his father, who was engaged in getting out ship timber for exportation to Liverpool. He left for San Francisco in 1848. After working in the gold fields he wintered in Humboldt County, where he and his logging companions located a logging camp near Eureka.

In 1857 he started operating a sawmill with a partner named Philip Hinkley. The partnership with John Dolbeer was formed in 1863, founding the Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company. IIe was considered the dean of Redwood manufacturers. He was also one of the founders of the Humboldt County Bank, the Bank of Eureka and the Savings Bank of Humboldt County. He was one of the incorporators of the Elk River and Eureka Railroad Company, the Bucksport & Elk River Railroad, and the Humboldt Northern Railroad.

He was one of the founders of the North Mountain Power Company. Outside of Humboldt County, the Milford Land and Lumber Company, the San Diego Lumber Company, and the West Coast Lumber Company owed their development to his influence. He was active in the Humboldt Lumber Manufacturers' Association of Eureka.

Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club

Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club held its regular monthly meeting in Sacramento on Wednesday evening, March 17.

The principal speaker was George W, Howson, who gave a talk on the Central Valley Irregation Project.

C. W. Pinkerton spoke on the subject of proposed State legislation which will afiect the retail lumber industry.

Charles L. Shepard announced that the Hoo-Hoo Concat will be held in the Sacramento Hotel at 4:00 p. fr., April 24.

New Pine Mill at Chester, Calif.

The new sawmill of the Collins Pine Company, now being completed at Chester, Calif., is expected to start operation about April 21. The mill will cut 75,W feet per shift.

The company, which has offices in Portland, has changed its name from the Grande Ronde Pine Company to the Collins Pine Company. Lieut. Truman Collins, U. S. Naval Reserve, is the president, and Alton Collins is the vice-president. The.company's original mill is at Pondosa, Ore.

Plecse be crssured ol our sincerest desires to assist in crnY wcry possible our manY lriends in obtcining rcrw matericrls or lumber products lor their needs towards victory, and our hope that in the not too distcrnt luture we may regqin our very much appreciated peacetime pqtronage.

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