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Western Pine in Nevada, Arizona Golden Petersen Concatenation Brought Under Price Ceiling
San Francisco, March 29.-Western pine and associated species of lumber produced in Nevada and Arizona, as well as that produced in Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, Utah and New Mexico, were brought under dollar-andcents ceilings today by the Office of price Administration.
The action was brought about by extending the geographical scope of maximum price regulation no. 94 and was one of the major changes accomplished by amendment no. 1 to that regulation effective April 5.
Until now the mills in the seven states were covered bv the general maximum price regulation, and the effect of the action today is to place them under the same regulation covering western pine producers of California, Washing_ ton, Oregon, Montana, and Idaho.
The amendment also made clear that all species com_ mercially sold as western, Ponderosa, or Mexican pine are covered by the regulation, including Lodgepole pine, Mexican White Pine, Chihuahua pine, and Arizona pine. All pine produced in Mexico and sold in this countrv is under the regulation.
With E. J. Stanton & Son
C. J. (Clint) Laughlin is now with E. J. Stanton & Son of Los Angeles. Clint was secretary of the Southern Cali_ fornia Wholesale Lumber Association for a number of years and is widely known in California lumber circles.
The Golden Petersen Concatenation was held at Pinedale, Arizona, on April 2, with Hawk Huey of Phoenix, Arizona, in charge of the initiation. It was a daylight affair, starting at 3:09 p. m., and as Hawk reports, "it was warm, and the sun was shining like it does only in the White Mountains." Dinner was served at 7:@ p. m. by Bill Jennings of Showlow.
The following Kittens were initiated: W. R. Deering, Hawk Huey Forest Products, Taylor; Albert Lewis, Albert Lewis Sawmill, Clay Springs; Roy March, Golden Petersen, Kenneth Petersen and Vaughn Petersen of the Petersen Lumber Mill, Pindale.
Assembly Joint Resolution No. 36
Assembly Joint Resolution No. 36-Relative to memorializing Congress to designate the limits beyond which the Congress and administrative agencies of ,the United States shall not go in exercise of the power given to Congress to regulate interstate cornrnslqs-has been passed by the California Legislature. The resolution states that the Chief Clerk of the Assembly be directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the President of the United States and to each member of the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States from California-
The resolution was introduced and passed at the suggestion of C. W. Pinkerton of the Lumbermen's Governmental Service Bureau.