1 minute read

Complete Ne*" Dty Kiln Installation

The Diamond Match Company have recently completed the installation of modern Moore Cross-Circulation Kilns of the latest design for their commercial lumber department at Albeni Falls, Idaho, and have made other extensive changes in their plant including the revamping of their yard layout and the installation of a lift truck system for handling unit packages of lumber. The roads in the yard have been paved to facilitate the movement of their lift trucks and carriers.

The Diamond Match Company produces Idaho white pine, Ponderosa pine, Fir and Larch, Engelmann Spruce, White Fir and Hemlock, also Inland Empire Red Cedar. During normal times their output was shipped all over the United States. Their principal outlets were through retail yards from the Dakotas to the Atlantic Seaboard, but at present they are devoting their energy to helping win the war and 90 to 95 per cent of their output is going directly to defense needs, crating, construction of cantonments and camps, etc. They have also shipped a considerable quantity of lumber for construction purposes to Pearl Harbor, Panama, and other Government projects throughout the world.

The new dry kiln installation at Albeni Falls consists of four automatically sprinklered 1\{oore Cross-Circulation Kilns. These are single ended charge type kilns served by one electric transfer car. These new kilns employ large diameter fans rotated on a longitudinal shaft overhead above the solid piles of lumber. These fans are driven by a single motor located in the control room outside the kiln controller, which not only controls the temperature and humidity on the kilns, but also automatically regulates the ventilating system. The operation of the kilns is under the supervision of Palmer Haugen.

Cooling sheds to the left of the kilns are all covered so that lumber is protected from the elements. At this plant stacking is done by means of a stacking lift employing sticker guides which insure very accurate stacking. Unit packages are brought up the stacker by means of a carrier.

A visitor at Albeni Falls notices that the operation is nicely finished. The Diamond Match Company is very proud of their equipment and takes more than ordinary pains to see that it is painted and maintained in first class condition. Their standards of housekeeping are especially high, and they are very particular about the maintenance of their rvhole plant.

P. H. Jackson is sales manag'er, and is also in charge of the Albeni Falls operation. The installation of the new dry kilns and the revamping of the yard has been under the supervision of David R. Gray, mechanical engineer of the company. Mr. Gray spends a good part of his time at the California operations, where extensive changes have been made under his direction during the past year. John R. Gray is vice-president and manager of the Western lumber and timber operations.

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