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New 1943 Wartime \flindow Display
NEW WINDOW DISPLAY NO. 90 is showa trbove-Die cut with lwo wings crs shown, lithogrrcpbed in brillicni rotot". -Ei". ol iirpt"V eet up trs cbove i: 40" wide by 40" high. Spcce lor imprint, cb.ove house in ;;;i;;, ig-2q' widq iv 6" a..p. Ecch displcy ia pccled in g cqpn cnd is being mqde- crvciltrble to help decrlers aad contrcrctirg in P;int, Hcrdwcre, Luiber, cnd Building Materials lo tune in with the 1943 Ctecn Up-Ptrint Up-Fix Up Ccrmpcign, which will soon be sweeping lhe rrqtion in :upporl ol the govern' ment's wcrtim. "oo".r"oiiliIr -pt.!toit. Sold oa cr cooperctive priie bcsis, intended to covot only co-e] gg-d hcrndling, by the Nctioncri Cti"n-Up and Pcint Up Cchpcign lureau,_1500 Rhode Islcnd Avenue, N. W., W""iiigt"i, D. C., lrom which q collred deg6iptive circulcrr cnd price liet rrcry be obtcrined upot! request. L,
C,slifomia Sugor olnd Ponderoso Pine
Scles Agents For