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A. Mackin of Hallinan was back April 7 frorl office.

Fred hn'ron of cently spent thrce for his firnr.

Nlackin Lumbcr Co., San Frana visit to the conrpany's Los An-

I-amon-Bonnington rveeks in the Pacific Co., San Francisco, reNorthrvcst on business clepartment of a t$ro r-eeks' California and

George C. Cornitius of the Gcorgc C. Cornitius Harchvood Co., San Francisco, left ]{arch 27 on a visit to Wasl'rington, D. C., and is spen<ling about tu'o rvcclis in Virginia calling on hardrvood mills. He expects to be bacli at his deslt April 18.

C. E. \Ii1ler, Yrxtngs I3ay I-umbcr Co., Roseburg, Ore., rvas :r recent visitor to S:Ln F'rancisco.

I). Normen Corcls, manager of the I'ine Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, is or1 tour of the California Pine rnills in Northern Southern Oregon. IIe u,ill bc back April 17.

\[r. and \Irs. R. S. liox rtncl son oi Seattle, lrave returned to the Northrvest after spcnclitrg three tleeks as the guests of Mr. ancl \'Ir:;. Dee Esslel' at their home in Whittier. Mr. Fox operatcs the Seattle Export Lumber Co.

Francis l)ool, E. K. Ariz., rvas a rcccnt Los

Wood Angeles manager, Timber Structures, Inc., from tu'o n'eel<s' business trio to

I-umber Cornpany', Phoenix, visitor.

Lloyd Harris, Oakland, Nortl-rern California representative of Vancottver Plyu'ood & Veneer Co., u'as recently elecled president of The University Club, Oakland.

Lloyc1 has anotl.rer job that takes a good deal of l-ris spare tirne. lle has been chairman of a local Draft Board since its inception.

Carl Hornibrooli, En'anua Box Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., spent a few days on business in Los Angeles and San Francisco the latter part of Nlarch.

Eci l3riggs, fomer Southern California lumberman, arrived in I-os Angeles the latter part of N{arch for a ten days' visit. For the past few years, Ed has been operating a string of small sawrnills in Southern Colorado.

I-oren Foster, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has been calling on the pine mills in Northern California and Southern Oregon.

A. E. Wolff, manager of Kilpatrick & Co., San Francisco, returnecl April 3 from a trip macle rnostly bv plane to Portland, Seattle and \iarrcouver, B. C.

Les Harris of the office of A. L. (Gus) lloover, Southern California reprcsentative of The Pacific Lumbcr Co. and Wendling-Nathan Co., rccently spcnt a rveek at the Pacific nrill at Scotia, Calif.

G. R. (Ro1') Bleecker, general man:rger o{ Westfir I-umbcr Co., \\'estfir, Orc. rvas in S:rn Francisco at the first of April on his r,vay bacl< frorn a visit to :L rlesert resort.

Charles R. Wilson, sales Portlancl, recently returnecl San Francisco.

W. E. Rampe, for the past several years with Allen & Dettmann Lurnber Co., San Francisco, is now with Rolando Lur-nber Co. Pete Noonan, another well known San Francisco lumberman, also recently became a member of tl.re office staff of Rolando Lumber Co.

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