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Termincrl Scrles Bldg., Portlcrnd 5, Oregon Teletype No. PD 54
Dougrlcrs FirSpruceHemlocl<Cedcn
Porrderoscr cnd Sugcn PineDouglqs Fir Piling
29 lcarc Continuourly Scrving Reteil lards tnd Riiltordt
Ios Angelee Representcdive EASTMAN LUMBER SALES
Petroleum Bldg., Ios Angeles 15 PRospect 51139
Terrible Twenty Golf Tournament
The 2l4th Terrible Trventy golf tournament u'as held at the Riviera Country Club, Santa Monica, Thursday, March 9. Bob Falconer and Frank Berger took over the role of hosts, nineteen members and four guests enjoying their hospitality. A buffet supper was served after the game.
Art Harff, who joined the "Terribles" last Novernber, found the tricky course just about what the doctor ordered ancl his net 69 won first prize, a sport shirt. Hervey Bowles and Eddie Klassen tied for second prize, a sweater; this tie r'vill be played off at next month's tournament.
The third rouud of match play resulted as follol's : hrst flight, Hervey Rowles won over Ed Rauer 3 and 2, and Roy Stanton defeated Bob Osgood 5 antl 4; second flight, Genc DeArmond beat Bob Falconer 3 ancl 2, and D. C. Essley dcfeatecl DeWitt Clark 5 and 4.
New Ycrrd in El Cerrito
Warren R. Wilkie will open a new yard April 17 uncler the name of Modcrn Builders Supply at 1138 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, Calif., the site formerly occupied by Klier Bros. Lumber Co. The new yz1il wili handle a full line of lumber ancl building materials.
Mr. Wilkie r,vas associated for the past eight years rvith Builders Emporium, El Cerrito, and has been in the retail lumber business all his business 1ife.
Appointed Sales Mcrncrger
Howard Page has been appointed sales manager of the Coos Bay Lumber Company, with headquarters at Marshfield, Ore. He succeeds George F. Gr:rni, who recentl)' rcsigne(l'