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L, t. GARR t CO.

L, t. GARR t CO.



SISH and D00RS

Sincc 1888 oFICE utu- rtSD AtfD DOCE

2!d 6 Alicc Sts, Ocrllord

. Glorcouri ttSl

Capt. Richmond P. Hobson, U. S. N. retired, hero of the,/| Spanish-American war, addressed the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo' Club members at its luncheon meeting on April 3. Curtis Wil.:.lri liams was the chairman of the day.

Lumber Stocks

Lumber stocks at sawmills and concentration yards totdled 4,578,363,000 board feet at the opening of 1944, comparid with 10,012,000,000 board feet in January, 1941, and 6,57I;: ,il 000,000 board feet in January, 1943, WPB reports.

Junius B. Hall, Sr.

Junius B. Ha1l, Sr., vice president of the Owens-Parl<s Lumber Company, Los Angeles, passed away in a Los Angeles hospital on March 27. He was 56 years of age.

When the company u'as org:rnized, \Ir. I.lall became secretary-treasurer, and was also credit manager. Later he was named vice president. For the past two years, he was not very active in the business due to failing health.

He is survived by his wi<low, Mrs. Illlcn H. Hall ; two solrs, Junius B., J.., and David M. Hall of the U. S. N. R.; and three daughters, Mrs. Martin H. Berry, Mrs. Williarn H. Bailie, and Lieutenant Nlargery Hall of the U. S. Army.

Funeral services were helcl in Los Angeles on n{arch 30.

Theqtres Coopercte with Mcnpower Committee

Three hunclred and sixty-six theatres in Los Angeles County are cooperating rvith the Citizens' Manpower Committee in the showing of a series of motion pictures issued by the LT. S. Army in cooperation with the Citizens' group.

No charge for projection of the pictures is made by the theatres, it is pointed out by Victor Adams, coordinator for the War Activities Committee of the N{otion Picture Industry, Theatres Division. Of this comn.rittee Charles P. Skouras is chairman and Robert H. Poole, co-chairman.

The series is the first of the kind prepared by the army, and presentation will extend over a periocl of six months.

\(/alter D. \(/ise

Funeral services for Walter D. Wise of Los Angeles, who passed away on March 28, were held in the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, on I{arch 31. He was 80 years of age.

Mr. Wise was in the wholesale lumber business in Los Angeles for about thirty years, and was widely known in Califorriia lumber circles. He retired from business about ten years ago.

He is survived by a nephew, Marion J. Wise, and a niece, \{rs. X{arie Barnes.

Hcrdwood Plywood 1944 Requirements

A monthly production of hardwood plywood totaling 42,000,000 square feet rvill be needed to meet 1944 reqtirenlents, according to data presented at a recent Hardwood Plywood Industry Advisory Comn-rittee meeting, the War Production Board announced. Peak production in 1943 for hardwood plywood of types used in aircraft, boats and other war items, but exclusive of box grades, was reached in October, with 45,000,000 sguare feet. January 1944 production for these types dropped to 38,500,000 square feet.

Requirernents for hardwood plywood for boxing and crating are increasing; waterproof plyrvood is needed for crating rnotors ancl motor vehicles. Though demand for aircraft hardrvoocl plywood'continues to decline, demand for other technical grades remains constant.

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