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We are ploud to know that oul selected lumber has been used by Food Machinery Corporation in the manufacture of these hard hitting amphibian tanlcs, now spealheading our attaclc on the enemy beaches,

Mea nwhile we supply alllumber nol requircd lor war pulPose to you our Customers as fast as we can.

Southern Yellow Pine crnd Hcrdwoods

WPB revokes Direction 2 to Order M-361 southern yellow pine) and Direction 2 to Order M-364 (hardwoods) as their provisions are now incorporated in the orders as amended.

Cypress Lumber

?-du."ts of yellow cypress lumber, in using the dollarand-cents ceiling prices for this species announced last month, must price according to the grades established by the National Hardwood Lumber Association Rules for the measurement and inspection of hardwood lumber, cypress, veneers and thin lumber iSsued in January, 1941, the OPA rules' (Amertdment 1 to MPR .513), efiective April 5.


fne Ope postpones until April 15 the effective date of new dollars-and-cents ceilings set last month for logs in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and Ohio. (Amendment 44 to MPR 348), effective March 31.


Producers of mouldings made of Douglas Fir and other West Coast lumber in Washington, Oregon and California west of the Cascade Mountains, beginning April 6, 1944, must apply to OPA's national ofifrce in Washinglon, D. C., for ceiling prices on mouldings, OPA announces. (Amendment 6 to RMPR 26,) effective April 6.

Western Lumber

The western lumber r-egulation is amended by WPB to require that certification of purchase orders by war agencies and holders of prime contracts from war agencies be more detailed than formerly. (Order l-290, as amended), issued March 20.

Western Hemlock

WPB removes restrictions on aircraft grade western hemlock, as other preferred species of lumber for aircraft are now being produced in sufficient quantities to meet requirements. (Order M-229), effective APril 3.

Port Orford Cedar

(trlso hown cs White Cedcr or Lcwson Cypress)

Lumber Ties Crossing PlcrnksDeckir-rg

Tunnel TimbersVenetian Blind Stock

Algo SuPPliars oI

SPttT NEDWOOD, DOUGLAS FIN, NED CEDtrR, U}TTNEATED AND CNEOSOTED PRODUCTS f,LAsrA oo* ,*;"?;;:.as Yeuorr dedcr or afAMES L. HALL ': ro3, !$t' Tiff;ia";fi*o r. cst.

WTIOLESILE-Pccific Cocrt Woodr-WAIEB e lf,IL $ltPPEng

Contrcct Iogrgring Services

Buyers of contract logging services were authorized by the", Office of Price Administration on March 21 to use Western:l stumpage ceiling, prices instead of stumpage prices actually- i paid when computing contract logging service ceilings otr tirnber purchased before August 31,1943. "'i'

The authofization became effective March 25, lp!!.,;,' (Amendment No. I to MPR No. 503-Western Contract I-og.-:: ging Services.)

Priority Housing , ,I

The OPA revises regulations to liberalize methods by,:i'i which landlords can request permission for higher rents ! because of increased construction costs. OPA-4112.

Controlled Mcterials Plcn

Rules governing minor capital additions made under CMP , : Regulation No. 5 are clarified by WPB to specify what:''; labor costs may,be excluded in determining the value of the;.j addition. (Interpretation 11 to CPM Regulation No. 5),1:i; issued March 23.


The WPB revises the over-all order limiting constrirc-.:l tion to maki it conform with other recently amended or=,:ii.l ders covering construction. (Order L4l, as amended).

Airc'rcft Lumber

Rough and finished aircraft lumber less than one inch , thick is provided by OPA with specific dollars-and-cents' ,i ceiling prices, averaging 6.670 higher than the previous .n ceilings. (Amendment 6 to MPR 109), effective March 25.

Veneered Doors

Producers of flush veneered doors with hollow cores made:.il of wood or' insulating board, beginning May 1, 1944, must ,-, submit proposed prices for these doors to the OPA for ap-,' proval, the agency says. Amendment 4 to RMPR D3),..'.:,-t effective May 19.

ADamr 4995

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