1 minute read
Lots of Salesmen "Sell Words" are Long on "By Words" But Short on
(Continued from Page 43) subsequently amalgarnated with the West Coast and Pacific Organizations respectively; secretary Columbia River Loggers Association ; secretary Oregon Conservation Society, serving at same time as secretary of the State Board of Forestry; and the Secretary of the American Lumber Trades Congress, which compiled the first "Code of Ethics" for the government of the lumber trade ; the rulings oi which are frequently exercised ir-r connection with settlements of disputes. This Congress was composed of representative delegates from all parts of the country and in= cluded retailers, wholesaler-s, and mant,-facturers in its membership, ar.rd althou,s'h disbanded after serving its purpose. its influence is still felt when issues arise between different branches of the trade.
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v The stock of the Century Lumber Company, a retail company in Long Beach had been bought by Mr. Ross, Hlall and Chlora V. Hall, who will continue to operate under the same firm name.