2 minute read
Brildi{g Records Reach Highest Peak
March, 1923, broke all records in the history of the United States for total value of building permits issued during any one month, exceeding the previous banner month of June, 1972, by more than 50 percent, according to information contained in the Southern Pine Associationfs Economics and Statistics Bulletin for April, just issued.
The Bulletin mentions that Bradstreet's reports the aggregate value of building permits issued dt 155 principal cities during March was $372,117,555, compared to $240,002,830 in March a year ago, or a gain of 55 percent. In the previous high record month of June, 1922, t64 cities reported permits totaling $250,172,411. Returns from only 155 cities for March of this year exceeded the previous banner buildittg month by 48.7 percent and when the reports from all the 164 cities are tabulated, it is considered certain that March, 1923, will show more than 50 percent increase over the former record month.
The first quarter of 1923 also established a new high quarterly record for building. With nine cities yet to be heard from in A4arch, the aggregate value of building permits issued for the first three months of this year is $788,726,515, an increase of 10.3 percent over the hitherto record second quarter of 7922, a;nd 52.4 percent'greater than the first quarter of 1922. It is interesting to note that the value
CatiforDir Reprercatativc
GERLIIIGER tUlilBER C0ilPllfY of Portland, Oregon r i I
Arsociate Manufacturere and Wholecalers
21 Qlifornie Strcct Tclcpboqc Srn Frencirco, Cal. Dougler 61i53
O. F. FOI.SOII4 Spcciat Repracntativc
Wii Ite
of building permits issued during the first three months of 1923 was 82 percent greater than for the entire year 1918, l0 percent more than the total for thc yer;r 1917, and equalled the total for the entire year 1914, while it was only about $100,000.000 below the annual average for the six-year period 1908 to 1914.
Tacoma Publicity
A beautiful piece of advertising matter has just been sent out to lumber dealers all over the country, by the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club. This is in the shape oI a huge "broadside," beautifully printed in colors, entit'led "Tacoma, Washington is the Lumber Capitol of America."
One entire side of a 25"x38" sheet of paper is used for a composite picture, showing Tacoma as it would appear if all of its other industries were removed. In the foreground of the picture is shown the blue waters of Puget Sound, and in the distance the beautiful timbered hills and the peak of Mt. Tacoma are visible.
Other sections of the folder deal with the various subjects, "What is the Lumber Capitol of America?" "Tacoma is the City," "Tacoma, Americas great Lumber Center," etc,
GllAs. il. RosE & Go.
California Representatives of the YAUGHAI{ TUiIBIR C().-P()RTTIIND (}RE. Telephone Douglas 6166
and sUGAR PlllES
Building lumber and Finish. Factory Lumben Pattern Stock. Wide clears and uppers for drainboards and rhelveheathing. One less item of PAUL BUNYAN, hcro of old-tire lubcr rng. Siding and Moldings, material to buy. Reduc* c6t:i
FAUL BUNYAT{ IATH, sheathittg and lath combined in one pieca A p"tfect bond for stucco." A solid job of