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Plans For Coming Annual
Secretary-treasurer Isherw,ood has gone'to New Orleans where he will meet Parson Sirnpkins, to lay out the preliminary plans for the 32nd annual of HOO HOO Sept-8th to I2th.
Mr. Isherwood predicts that this will be the largest and best annual ever held by the order.
A very attractive 12 page booklet entitled "Trees" has just been issued by the National Headquarters of Hoo-Hoo at St. Louis, and is being distributed among the members of Hoo-Hoo.
This pamphlet deals with the origin and history of Arbor Day, has a department on IIow To Plant Trees, Legal Value Of Shade Trees, and gives the dates on which Ar'bor Day is observed in the different states.
Below is the Hoo-Hoo Forestry Declaration:
"The Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo bv this Declaration makes known its desire to help in tie formation and enlightenment of public sentiment in the United States of America, through such sound and practical principles of a National Forestry Policy as will contribute to the permanence of the lumber industry as one of the foundations o{ the nation's welfare and prosperity, thus insuring protection of all our standing timber and a retimbering of available waste lands that a permanent supply of timber may be vouchsafed societv."