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PLANS and PROGRESS What Busy California Lumber HERE4nd THERE Folks Arb fatnng About

Lumberman Pledge Financial Assistance To Raison Growers

At a large and enthusiastic rally held by the San FYancisco Chaurber of Commerce in the Merchants' Exchange Building on April 23 to assist the Raisin Growers ,of Fresno Coun,ty, approximately $175,000.00 of stock was subscribed for. 'fhe lumbermen in the Bay District took an active part in the rally;A.J.Russell ,of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. and Paul Foster of the Northwestern Redwood Lun.rber Co., were members of the Chamber o{ Commerce executive com,mittee in charge of the meeting. Among the lumber companies in San Francisco, who have already pledged to purchase some of the stock are: Northern Redwood Co. $500.C0; Pacific Lumber Co., $100.00; Union Lumber Co., $1@.0O; Lassen Lumber & Box Co., $250O.0O; Dwight Lumber Co., $2000.00; Tarter-Webster & Johnson, Inc., $2C00.00; Coos Bay Lumber Co., $1000.00; WendlingNathan Lumber Co., $1C00.00; Western States Lumber Co., $1000.00; and the Santa Fe Lu'mber Co., $1000.@.


Mr. G. W. Dow, owner and manager of the Lone Pine Lum,ber Company, Lone Pine, spent several days in Los Angeles last week, calling on various lumbermen in Southern California.

Mr. Dow is much part of the state, he farmers have enjoyel for a good amount of year.

enthused with the DrosDects in his states that the cattie men and the a successful season and he looks building during the balance of this


The Columbi'a Codntvi Mill'at Str. Hetens, Oregon, one of ihe millsrope$ateh uyttra.fts R::McCorniict< & CIo. there, was destroyed by fire on the morning April 23. The loss includes the mill and boiler plant; 1000 feet of trestle and boiler tank owned bi the- Milton Creek Loggirtg Co.; and approximately 3,000,000 iee't of lumber that- was on the dock ready for car.go shipment. Several box .cars of the S. P. & S. R. R. were als'o destroyed; The origin of'the fire is unknown. The mil-l rivas operating two shifts, with a capa,city of 25O M feet, and employed about 160 men. The total loss of the fire is estimated at approximately $300,000.00. H. R. Mpcormick, of St. Helens, is lmanager. The loss of the #iill'will not affect the production of the company, as plans have be'en made to increase the output of the other three mills that are also located at St. Helens. In the near future, the,company plans to rebuild the Columbia County Mill.

Bay District Hold Athletic Night

The eveni'riig of April 28, in the rooms of the San Francisco Comrn€rcial Club, was the time and place of the monster athletib m'eet, sfiokei and get-together meeting of the Bay District Cats. An excelteht athletic meet and entertainmen,t was arranged for and a large crowd signified their intention to attendi Snark Henry F. Faull promised a big evening and wonderful time for everybody. As the California Lumber Merchant had already gone to press, a more detailed'account of the smoker will appear in the May 15 issue.

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