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Achievement -(rnil a ilIessage!

A Plain Statement Assets

Carh in OfGcc and Benkr

Securiticr :rhes.e. secuiitie" -;;;.i;; ' ;i ' tJ.' 's: ' 'c;;.;;;;;;,' "i;;; ';;; municipal bonds and other securities "t tti tiit""i ir"di.

Prc.-miumr in Courre of Coltcction

All accounts over 90 d"y: .9td ,r. .*"t"a.a.''iiri" ,"pr"- sents a normal amount of live current accounts aq"-"tiirrg only about 35 days' gross premium". -----'-'- ' Mircell,aoeour Agctr c.oJ"i",ilq or I'ti'..i J""*J ;; orner lnsurance companies, €tc.

'Total _Admittcd Agctr Belonging to policyholderr '

From these ass€ts we have excludld irr- r"i"it"iJ ""a n*. tures, autom-obiles, printing, pl.ant, -supplieJ,--p".-io_ ""_ counts ove-r 90 days old, and all other assets not quickly convertible into cash.


Rererve for Lorce in proccr of Adjurtmcnt ..,. R;,rgrvc for .Un-eerned prcmiumr rnls reserve rs the full.unearned portion of the premium held for the payment of any futuie tosses on pojicies in lorce.

Rererven for Fundr Lcld undcr Rcinrurrncc Agtcc_ ment3

Rg19rv.e to Covcr all Othcr Liabititicr

This. is a reserve to cover -taxes accrued, dividuds ac. :I:99 .9" expired policies a"d ari- oir,ii-ir'rr.-"i'j[uiiiti"", otner than lossesNet Caeh Surplur .... rhis being ir,T-".t';;;;t'i;il'irti,i' p,L"i,iri,e'r-"jri reserves as above.

Totel Liebiliticr

Dec. 31. 1923

$ 326,1149.88





$ 119,007.94


44,987.50 rr9,853.57



Increase made in Admitted-Agsets during.l923 ........ .....1 ry72 rncrease made in surprus for- pavment of"Future i";;;;'i.iii'"g'iszj'. . z7r,&.71

Incre-ase. made in Net Cash Surpfui-auri"; I%"

Dividends ana savi"!s-iJ'p.t.'vr,Jralir,"is;i::.

Losses paid to pori"yhords.r.T::. .gl:.i::-r1:i?. rN reor

Dividenhs ;"e S;;i,i;;li' poii."r."td;;;':::.::::::::.:::::::::::.::::....:?ffiffij;

The Northwest€trn Murual Fire Argociation acknowledger -a h-igher and broader miuion than the rirnple furnirhing of rornd il;;;-hJ.;6, at cort. Ir mi..io. ie thl .onrr.rr"tion ef property from lora by fire-a temific rrra ""*-l""rLng--Ili"-i" ourrtafih at the eenic-e. of property- otwners interected in CONSTRUCTIVE inruranceinrurence that seekr to prevent lorses "" -.fl ; ilil for rhem. A telephone call or pcetal will bring ur together

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