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Weaver Roof Co. Watching Arizona

Mr. .Sylvester I-. Weaver, presiclent Wearrer Roof Com_ I]lill l-os Angeles. one of the best known figures ;"J;;; ll,:il: Ti:l promrnent personalities in Southern California, Delteves that more l.os Angeles firms would prosper in fl:r1ti if they knerv conditio"ns in their neishborl""'.t"t*. ryrr'. weaver, lor example, has always had firm and"abidino faith in the progress ancl stal;ility .i arir.;;:'^ H;#';;,t :.^l::i all along.that some l,o.s Angeies companies wefe pernaps overlookrng. opportunities in Arizona by not fami_ [arlzrng themselves with this rvonderful state and for that reason he encleavors to keep in very close touch r,vith Arizona and her -"tr1, .omirrercial jctivities. I; .;h;; lvords, Mr. Weaver believes that an honest sinceritv of purpose and a desire to know all the .""t .""aiti""l ni your next-door business men is absolutely essentiai1."tf," success of any concern.

Ancl that this honest- sinceritl, of purpose is the real corner-stone of successful ltusiness today has been ,rerv convincingly rlemonstratecl by the Weavei nr.f C.r"o"rri. t\tr.. Weaver- is a great believer in the fact that ideali and llll:1"".. So, !1nd. in hand and the lvonderful grorvth of the trrlslness whrch bears his name is pretty g-ood eviclence that he is right.

.His argument is that if there is any one commodity rvhich more than anv other, needs honJst, l"lu;fl-q^;;il, to render satisfactory service it is roofing.

Ajouy;f through the recently built factory of the Wea_ r-er Koot Uom.pany at Slauson and lron streeis. Los Anse_ les ls a revelation of thoroughness. Here the Weai", policy_is expressed in tangible"terms.

In the warehouse you Jgg hundreds of tons of genuine ra_g felt of extra heavy weight in enormous rolls ;;;ii;; Weaver processing.

The rveather-reiisting ability of the roofing. however. is governed not only. bf the qtiality urd ih;-;:ighi;i;;; l_e::, llt ?y.1hS quaiity anrl thororrghness of th. ;o;;;,,;; wlth whlch tt rs saturated.

,,Th".: great sheets of rag. felt are lrassed through satura_ lon vats anrl then through rollers until the base is im_ :gnated to the ..."

a-specially compounded weather-proof material.

^9f 1our.. various gracles of the rbo_fng ancl roofings for anous pg_rposes are p.rocessed in different ways, but the rpular Weaver brands receive a final.u.fa.ing ; fi;; onterey sand_which is embedcled right into the"body oi /ronrerey sano-wn_lcn rs right the body of ne .roohng_ under heavy roller pressure. making it a ;art f .the. r:of."c.and increasing iti surface qu"ilii., "o iri"i is virtually impregnable to" the elements.

Insistance upon this_one standard of qualitl, has made for tle Weaver Roof Comp;t ;;;;i'urliisi.r;iliil; institutions on the pacific Coa(t.- ihe contrnuous chain of developments in the manufacturi"g'pf"nt, warehouse and sales departments have been the- best e"id."c. ; ;ht; growth.

within the past year- extensive additions have been made to tl.re Weaver manufacturi;; -pi;ii;'i"r,i.t is less than two years old, and only withi-n itre past f.* ;o;th. ;;; warehouse and sales department. haue ;";;-';il;",i'';; 2436-42 East Sth St'eet, t-o. a"g.t..'ii'" rr."na new builcl- ing erected especially for the piipt..' -

It is a real stimulus to the business man and the manu_ facturer to observe the. progres; ;i";;'1";tiiri;""-"1 trri, kind which is built on thi t,i"a"-""t"i'oi ."ri:i.u,-i;"i;; all this is the only basis upon *hi;h ;;";manent successful business can be iruilr-.


B. W. Cadwallader, president of Cadwallacler_Gibson, Inc., of San Francisco has left on a thre,e months business trip to Europe. He will call on his business connections in London and will also make a survey of lumber condi_ tions^in other European countries. ThL Cadwallader_Gib_ son Company are large shippers of mahogany into several of the European markets.

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