1 minute read

Redwood Association Bill= Board Advertising Progresses Rapidly

R. F. Hammatt, who has r'eturned from a lveek's trip together with H. S. McKay of Foster & Kleiser, announces that the following retail lumber dealers in Northern California will erect bill boards .for advertising Redwood in co-operation with the Redwood Association.

Western Lumber Company-Recdley'....'.....1

Western Lumber Company-Parlier'...........1

Home Lumber Co.-Manteca .. .........1

Maisler Lumber Co.-Fresno ...........1

Fuller Lumber Co.-Lodi ........1

Friend & Terry Lumber Co.-Sacramento. '. .3

Knox Lumber-Co.-Sacramento . .....'.1

Cutter Mill & Lbr. Co.-Sacramento............l

Shasta Lumber Co'-Wheatland ' .......1

Shasta Lumber Co.-Marysville .......1

Stcphens Lumber Co.-Healdsburg .'......'...1

Lodi Lumber Co.-Lodi ........'l

Mr.llammatt stat'es that many of the bill-boards that the Association are constructing are already completed and that the 29 boards will soon bi completed. These boards are placed at prominent points- along the -main highways from Sacramento and the-Bay District in the north to San Diego. During the early pait of -May, Mr- Hammatt will leavi Los Angeles and while in the south he will approve several applicitions from retail lumber dealers there rvho plan to tjiita Ultt-toards for advertising Redwood in coooeration rvith the Association's out-door advertising campalgn.

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