1 minute read
SEATTLE SPOKANE PORTLAND and ASSOCIATED LUMBER MUTUALIi Southern Celiforhir Dcpt. Ccntral Buitdlng, Lor Angclcr F. J. MARTIN, praid.nt rnd Gcncnl Mrnr3er
(Continued from Page 10') fireight cars to handle Southern California shipments' -"Southern Pacific plans expenditure of $40,0fi),000 for improvements in 1924.
"Santa Fe improvement and extension work will cost around $81,000,000.
"Los Angeles harbor firstin intercostal tonnage, fifth in ship arrivals from foreignports, fourth in number clearing.
"S. W. Strauss & Company predict 1924 building activitywill be greatest in history of Los Angeles, and except to invest at least $20,000,000 here during year'"
Club No. 9
t / W^1r", Ball was the chairman of a large attendt<l lurrch/ "on ol ffoo-Hoo Club No. 9 on April 21 at the Palace / ii;i.i, San Francisco. V' Maury was the rvinner. of the
;;t"";";;" iriie, a pen knifethat rvas donated bv Ed' , Y e;;;b";ii",' Byion 'Mills, Bart I\{acomber' and. Harrl' t s;;rb ,.na.r.d'several fine songs rvith Tom Tomlinson at ;Iil;;;;. Professor Eminanuil Fritz of the University of California gave an exc'ellent talkon the Fore-stry DeDartment at tfie university' Bart Macomber rvill act as ihe chairman of the next meeting Rod Hendtt,tk;;; -.""""""ta'io the meeting the sad a""it oi-to-p"rry Smith, a prominent california lumber, ;; and a Hoo_ri"o for many years. Frank Trower read a beautiful ""iogy rvhich was'adopted.by 1 rlsing vote and a copv was ord"ered sent to the iamily of the late Ira P' Smith and the lumber press'