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THE CALIFOR}.IIA LUMBERMERCHANT JackDionne,fublbhu How Lumber Looks

Production at t{re lumber mills during the week ended April 14, 19t4, was heavier than during any week since last August excq>t for two weeks in March, and new business received was somewhat less than during any of the preceding six weeks, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Asoociation covering the operations of lr5ll leading hardwood and softwood mills. These mills reported a production of 20719601000 feet, shipmenrs 19313611000 feet and ordets 193,272,0(X) feet for the week ended April 14.

West Coast, Southern Pine and California regions, as in the preceding week, were the only softwoods to reltort orders less than production during .1.

New business reported by 577 mills to the Vest Coast Lumberments Association lor the week ended April 14 was 82;4311774 feet, shipments 85,8811256 feet, and production 98r62O1447 fet. Cument sales were under production by 16.4 per cent, and shipments were undet production by 12.9 per cent. Orders booked by this group of mills for the week were under the preceding week by about 318001000 feet or 4.5 per cent'

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended April 14 reported new business from 162 mills as 27r535rOO0 feet, shipments 24r28lrOOO feet, and production 28r275rOOO f.eet. Orders wete 3 per cent below production and 13 per cent above shipments. Shipments were 14 per cent below production. Ordets on hand at these 162 mills on April 14 totaled 9rr422r00{J feet, equivalent to*4r449 *cars.

The Vestern Pine Association for the same week reported new business from 129 mills as 41/56r(XX) feet, shipments 43r6461000 feet, and producion 40'E14'000 feet. Orders wete I per cent above production and 5 per cent below shipments. Shipments wete 7 per cent above production.

Makes Fast Air Trip

I Homer W. Bunker, president, Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francis'co, returned April 14 from a week's trip to the Northwest.

Mr. Bunker spent several days at the company's mill in Marshfield, Ore., and also visited Portland. He came south from Portland on the United Air Lines plane leaving Portland at 7;30 a.m., and arrived at Mills Field, San Francisco, 3 hours and 50 minutes later. The regular time for the 6ll air miles between Portland and San Francisco is 4 hours and 40 minutes.

The California Redwood Association for the week reported production ftom 17 mills as 616511000 feet, shipmente 511591. 000 feet, and new business 4,512,O0O f,eet. Orders on hand at the end of the week were 33,268,OOQ f.eet. Twelve identical mills reported productiom 177 per cent greater and new business .3 per cent above that "*t ,1" same week last year.

567 hardwood mills give new business for the week ended April 14 as 3Q621r000 feet, or 3 per cent above production, and shipments 261715,OOO feet, or 10 per cent below production. Production waa 29$74e000*feet.

The California situation does not show much change. There are more inquiries for odd items to fill in on special jobs which are keeping the volume up. The demand for the regular building items is very light. Reports indicate that the Government will launch a large home construction and modernization cdttrpaign to get under way in a few months. It is thought that the money will come through private institutio'trs, the secrrrity to be insured by the Government.

Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles hartor on April 27 totaled 21110,000 feet. Cargo arrivals at Los Angeles hatbor for the week ended Aptil 23 amounted to 6,759,000 feet, which included 11 cargoes of Fir carcying 6,6101000 feet, and 1 cargo of Redwood with 149'000 feet. 63 vessels were operating in the coastwise lumber service on April 23; 17 vessels were laid up.


S. M. Hauptman, San Francisco, general manager of the California Wholesale Lumber Association, was a Los Angeles visitor on April 20 where he attended a meeting of the wholesale dealers of the Southern California district.


The Second 1934 Tri-Annual meeting of the National Wooden Box Association, Pacific Division, will be held at the Hotel St. Francis, San Francisio, on Thursday and Friday, May 10 and 11, 1934.

Fire Destroys Plant

Fire destroyed the plant of the Western Blind and Screen Co. at 27CfJ.- Long Beach Ave., Los'Angeles, early Thursday morning, April 26.



A new and difrerent line of interior finish materials which dombine perman€nt decoration, insulation, acoustical correction and noise hushingt Tho line is cotnplete-gives you a wide range of rnaterials in sizee, patterns and color corrbinationa to meet the individual needs of every job.

No Waiting for Building

You can closo jobs NOV because theee rnaterials are used today in.existing buildings as well as in new constmction. Many of the products aerve rnultiple purposes=rYhich increage their salability and your opportunity for pro6t.

Priced to Sell Quickly

Pricee are geared to present incornes. These materials are good enough fot eoery job_yet their LOW prices fit thern to any jobl


We have uncovered and developed new responsive rnarkete for you in existing buildings such as schools, restaurantts, churches, stores, shops, hotele, officee, hospitalet apartmenta and hornes'


Sale of nero Wood Conversion Cornpany rraterials in these markets leads to sale of other rnaterials which you carryt and one job leads to another. Every job with the new materials is a etanding advertisemerrt for th€ dealer who sold it. Easy to Reach

These rnarkets are right in your owntown-at your doorstep.Therets no need to enter foreign fielde where you are at a disadvantage and are handicapped by strange cornpetition. I9ood Conversion Cornpany products ate natural lurnber dealer iterns.

Sounds good? It is good-as thousands of lurnber dealers are finding today. lf you are tired of waiting and want to Etart selling-if you would rather get profitable jobs in known fieldst instead of 66chasing rainbowstt in unkrwTrrtt fields-here is your opportunity. Lurnber dealers who want to sell their way out are invited to rnail the coupon NOW!


This new plan selects tho best rnarkets-picke out the beet proEpects in those rnarketsond thcn helps you sell thern.


This plan is not rnsde for yesterday or tornorrow-but for today. lt ie not based on hope. but on actual conditions. ft fite your need for more jobs and nwre profitablc jobs.


Based on a nation-wide survey, this plan has arnply proved its ability to increase volurne for the lurnber dealer. Rernernber, too, that your efrorte are backed up by powerful, extensive ,advertising.

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