3 minute read
lor 20 years---Some lesg Ag"
Bob Burns Fixes'Em Up
Bob Burrls, comedian on the air with Bing Crosby, is getting away in big style by taking a lot of the oldest, best-known darkey stories of the South, changing them from colored to Hill-Billy dialect, revamping them in various fashions, and getting lots of laughs from them. He has recently told a number of the best-loved colored stories of the South done over in that fashion.
For instance, everyone knows the story-I published it many years ago-of the colored cotrple with the big family of children who lived on the bank of the bayou. One day Mandy said to her husband:
California Plywood, Inc., headed by L. B. Krohn, has purchased the Wanke Panel Co., wholesale veneer and panel dealers, 1,!03 Fifth Street, Oakland. Blair Logue is associated with Mr. Krohn, who has been manager of the Wanke Panel Co. for the past several years.
Flies To Chicago
Ed Green, vice-president in charge of sales, Union Lumber Co., San Francisco, flew to Chicago April 11 on the first leg of a business trip throughout the Middle Western and Eastern territorv.
Installs Fixture Displays
Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co. recently installed new Peerless fixture displays at the Salinas and Paso Robles yards. The displays include the new linoleum sink.
"Mose, you know I believe dem alligators down in de creek is gettin' away wid some of our chilluns."
And Mose said:
"Mandy, I believes you is right about it. I bin thinkin' dem kids is bin thinnin' out a lot lately."
Burns makes that a Hill-Billy story, and puts a final snapper on it. When the wife reports that the kids are disappearing, he answers:
"I believe them kids has been thinnin' out some. Maybe I better take my rife an' go down an' shoot some of them alligators before they begin eatin' up our hogs."
R. R. Chaffee, Senior Forester, recently resigned from the Eastern Region of the United States Forest Service to become resident manager of the Wolfe Creek Timber Company at Greenville, Calif. He is also to be personal representative of N. P. Wheeler of Endeavor, Pennsylvania, on the Pacific Coast.
Mr. Chaffee was formerly Eastern manager of the California Redwood Association, and for 16 years was forest engineer for Wheeler and Dusenbury.
Frank H. White, mill sales manager at Samoa for Hammond & Little River Redwood Co., recently spent a few days at the main office in San Francisco. Whil'c in the Bay district he attended the lumbermen's annual Reveille. held in Oakland, April 24 and 25.
HfqH GRADE HARDWOODLDmcIIc woo&: Ash, Bcech, Birc.h, Gm, 4lclqry, fqqoH!, Itaplc, Oa&, Popler, Walrot, Oak' ud lt{aplc Fioorfnr: FOREIqN WOOpS: Apit6s, Balsa, Spanisb Ce&r, Eboy, Spotted c'-, Irubart, Jairero, Lfuru Vitre, Mahoguy, Prlmavera, Rewood, Slm Tsk. AIto DOUGLAS FIR PLYWOOD AND WALLBOARD
Red Cedar Shingle Bureau Holds Annual Meeting
H. J. Bailey, Saginaw Timber Co., Aberdeen, \Mash., was re-elected president o the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau at the annual meeting held at Seattle, March 27. Other officers re-elected were: P. H. Olwell, Jamison Lumber & Shingle Co., Everett, Wash., vice-president; W. W. Woodbridge, Seattle, manager; G. S. Raphael, Vancouver, B. C., manager of the Vancouver office; Miss Grace Jones, Seattle, secretary.
The board of trustees elected are as follows: H. J. Bailey, Aberdeen, Wash. ; P. H. Olwell, Everett, Wash.; L. S. Black, Seattle, Wash.; Dale Craft, Whites, Wash.; R. M. fngram, Aberdeen, Wash.; A. H. Landram, Tacoma, Wash.; Jess Schwarz, Kelso, Wash.; C. H. Kreienbaum, Shelton, Wash.; D. H. Lowery, Bellingham, Wash.; P. R. Smith, Seattle, Wash.; Ray Wilde, Everett, Wash.; S. P. Johns, Tacoma, Wash.; Chas. Plant, Vancouver, B. C.; J. E. McNair, Vancouver, B. C.; William Mclallen, Vancouver, B. C.; Chas. Hone, Coquitlam, B. C.
President H. J. Bailey presided. It was a meeting of "Viewpoints" discussed by outstanding men engaged in the distribution and promotion of red cedar shingles. President Bailey gave the viewpoint of the president, and W. W. Woodbridge the viewpoint of the manager. George W. LaPointe, Menomonie, Wis., president of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, presented the "Viewpoint of the Retailer"; Roy A. Dailey, Seattle, Wash., Pacific Coast manager, National-American Wholesale Lumber Association, "Viewpoint of the Wholesaler"; Ifarry Hansen, Detroit, Mich., representing the National Association of Commission Lumber Salesmen, 1'Viewpoint of the Salesman" I George Emslie, St. Paul, Minn., representing the National Stained Shingle Manufacturers' Association, "Viewpoint of the Stained Shingle Manufacturer"; Burt Cochran, Seattle manager of McCann-Erickson, Inc., advertising agency for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, "Viewpoint of the Advertiser." Lewis Russell, Pacific Coast manager of Better lfomes and Gardens, discussed the consumer's reaction to advertising. Miss Grace Jones, secretarytreasurer, made the financial report, and as manager of the inspection department, outlined the progress of this work.