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Record Shipment Arrives at Stockton
A record shipment of 2,20O,2@ feet of lumber from Puget Sound arrived at Stockton's ocean terminal, April 8, on the coastwise freighter San Pedro, flagship of the Olson line.
The shipment represents the largest single lot brought into the Stockton harbor by an ocean vessel since the seaport opened.
tributors, Inc., for movement inland to San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley yards.
A stock of between 3,000,000 and 4,000,000 feet of lumber is carried at all times by Lumber Distributors, Inc., at their terminal, which is operated by Santa Fe Lgmber Com-
It was delivered to the shipside terminal of Lumber Dis- pany.
Henry Laws Co., Santa Rosa, has remodeled room and office and put in a modern display ol fixtures.
On Trip To Humboldt County
Ed Mulcahy, Mulcahy Lumber Co., Tucson, Ariz., attended the lumbermen's Reveille in Oakland, April 24, on his wav to visit his old home in Arcata, Calif.