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"Ann. M.y" Knows Termites--Studios Now Use Treated Lumber

Animals are often more sensitive to the termite pest than human beings, according to A. E. Ferguson, district sales manager at Los Angeles for the American Lumber and Treating Company, of Chicago. At a recent lumber dealer and home-builders meeting in Sierra Madre, California, Mr. Ferguson reporte.d the case of Anna May, elephant star of the movies.

He related that when Mal Koontz, animal trainer for the California Zoological Society, recently brought out a herd of elephants for work in one of the larger movie studios of Flollywood, his Z4-year-old, herd-leader, Anna May, flatly refused to tread upon the floor of sound stage number nine, Anna May's instinct telling her there was something wrong. Studio engineers investigated and found that the underpinning of this floor was badly rotted.

As the story is reported in the Sierra Madre News, Anna May, with her keen senses, had detected something wrong when she first placed the weight of her dainty front foot on the floor, and probably saved the studio from more serious trouble later on.

To avoid such embarrassing situations in the future the engineers decided to use "Wolmanized" lumber made proof


G. B. Mcleod, vice-president, Hammond Lumber Company, San Francis'co, re'cently spent a few days in Los Angeles on business

Returns To Chicago

R. C. Mclntosh, divisional sales manager of The Upson Company, Chicago, recently left Los Angeles for Chicago after a business trip to the California and Arizona territory.

against decay and termites by pressure treatment with Wolman salts. In their new $2 000,000 building Program the underpinning of all wood floors at the Fox studios is built of Wolmanized lum6er, marketed through the retail lumber dealer.

Back From South

Henry M. Hink, sales manager, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., was at his desk April 20 after a business trip to Los Angeles and San Diego.

Calls On Redwood Mills

O. H. "Ole" Carter, general superintendent of all Santa Fe Lumber Company's yards, returned to Stockton April 22 f.rom a trip to the Redwood mills.

When You Sell

Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, thc Association grade and trade mark certifu to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what trhey're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting"

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