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Redwood Empire Lumbermen's Club
The monthly meeting of the Redwood Empire Lumbermen's Club was held in Two Rock, April 17.
A number of representatives of the Redwood industry were invited to be present to see the first showing of the California Redwood Association's new talking picture, "California Giants," which was exhibited by Jim Farley of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco. A defect in the projection machine marred the exhibition of the picture to some extent, but 'comment was general as to the high quality of the film.
George M. Cornwall, editor of The Timberman, g'ave a talk on "Conditions of Today."
An excellent dinner was served by the ladies of the Two Rock .community, and everybody had an enjoyable time.
The attendance was as follows:
Mead Clark. Mead Clark Lumber Co.
George M. Cornwall, The Timberman
Fred Holmes, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co...,...San
Fred Lamon, Wendling-Nathan Co.
Ilenry Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
Lloyd Harris, Elliott Bay Sales Co.
A. E. Owen. Diamond Match Co.
John P. Beck, Sterling Lumber Co.
M. M. Daubin, Sterling Lumber Co.
A. M. Charter, Sterling Lumber Co.
O. Messersmitt, Sterling Lumber Co.
H. T. Latell. Sterling Lumber Co.
L. H. Loosley, The Diamond Match Co.
W'e have several designs of these beautiful front doors, which we carry in both
Douglas Fir and Philippine Mahogany
These are special front doors at stock prices.
D. R. Travis, The Diamond Match Co. ... ......Petaluma
Henry Laws, Henry Laws Co. ...Santa Rosa
W. M. Casey, Redwood Manufacturers Co. ' P-ittsburg
E. V. McClinfock, Redwood Manufacturers Co. ......:....Pittsburg
L. J. Woodson, Nicolai Door Sales Co. San Francisco
Jotin R. Freeman, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. ....'San Francisco
L. W. Blinn, The Pacific Lumber Co. '.. San Francisco
A. H. Jackson, Union Lumber Co. '.Fort Bragg
F. C. Duttle, Sterling Lumber Co. ... '. Oakland
C. W. Broback, Union Lumber Co. ... ..Fort Bragg
L. E. Grimes, Union Lumber Co. San Francisco
E. J. Striepeke, Sterling Lumber Co. ... .Santa Rosa
Ted Bartoh, P'arafiine-Companies, Inc. ......Santa Rosa
H. C. Hooti, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co. .....'San Francisco
M. E. Mclebd, La Porte Lumber Co. .....Ukiah
Ben. C. Phillips, Nicolai Door Sales Co. ..'.......San Francisco
Lloyd BittenSender, Lloyd Bittenbender .Ukiah
A. L. Sundall, Calaveres Cement Co. ." ...'...Santa Rosa
H' v' La Porie' La Porte Lumber co' ' " ' " "Ukiah
R. A. Johnson,'The Pacific Lumber Co. ..San Francisco
W. Diesback,'Diamond Match Co.. ......Petaluma
Rov Klinker.' Henrv Hess Co. .Sebastopol
Pai Wright, Hetrry Hess Co. ....Sebastopol cii"" tvtiNiill, Henry Hess Co.. .....:.. Sebastopol
H. B. Wisgitts, Boyei Springs Lumber Co. '.....Boyes Springs
G.oig. C]Stori., Missio" Lumber Co. ... '..Sonoma
R.r, "Shrntton. Union Lumber Co. '.. .... '.San Francisco las. p. Clarke, Calistoga Lumber Co. Calistoga
W. u. Shifilett, Napa Lumber Co. . ..-.-Nlp"
Geo. T.-Hayward, foitlits Lumber Co. '.'Willits n. W. etti.i,n, Willits Lumber Co. ... ......Willits
Lln Gitbert, i{ealdsburg Lumber Co' ...!!ealdsburg noi. Siiu"ns, A- F. Ste"vens Lumber Co. .. ..Healdsburg it-;J. j. Miti;i, H.lldrbtt'e lumber-Co. ... .....Healdsburg bli" fi'"ititt- Sonoma Miii & l,umber Co..... '....Sonoma i c N;i;;;: So"o-i Mill & Lumber co. ... .......Sonom? ii. S. -ll-.".i, two Rock Commercial Companv .:.'Two Rock tlwisA. Gohard,HobbsWall & Co. ... '."San Francisco i-E.-F"i.;;.-trdtls wall & co. 'San Francisco i;;t Fffi; Thi Pacific Lumber Co. " 'San Francisco 'M;;; B;;ii', Hobbs Wall & Co. .. ' ....San Francisco th;;. G";ti;;;, T*o Ro.k Commercial Co. ' ' 'Two Bock
H. W. Zi;f;tt,'United States Treasurv, Dep' P. W. A" ' Santa Rosa ii;"; oli;;;, w. p. e. Santa Rosa w.'4. W;;d*.'d, w. P. A. . .'. Santa Rosa F.'M.'i;it.y,w.'p.A..... ""'SantaRosa
""'Santa Rosa ii"-t'C""""idh, Cavanagh Lumber Co. .'r """'Petaluma "SlJ. rtiug", "s"itv., Redwood Empire Lumbermen's -itul .........:.'...
California Builders Supply Co., wholesale distributors of plywood, sash, doors and screen doors, completed moving to their new plant at 7@ 6th Avenue, Oakland, a few days ago.
Their new telephone number is Hlgate 6016. Their policy, "\Me Sell to Dealers Only," is the same as when the company was founde d in 1927 with the definite purpose of supplying the wholesale trade with the highest possible grade of merchandise, and at all times to sell only to the trade entitled to wholesale prices.
The new plant is well located. It has 25,W feet of floor space, and is fireproof. The spur track has room for two cars, and the loading platforms can accommodate five trucks at one time. They have modern facilities for the manufacture of special sash.
Storage space is provided in the new plant for 500,000 feet of -BiS Timber- wallboard in addition to the stock of panels.
Kenneth J. Shipp is president of California Builders Supply Co., and Arthur D. Williamson is vice president.
\(/. Wetmore
Robert Wallace Wetmore, director and secretary of the Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company and associated companies, died at his home in Minneapolis, Minn., Saturday, April 11. lle was born June 5, 1878, at Randolph, Vt., and came to Minneapolis at the age of five. He was a graduate of the University of Minnesota.
Mr. Wetmore became associated with the Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company in lX)Z, and, in 1913 was named secritary. He managed various departments of the lumber manufacturing operations and retail yards of the company in the northwest and Canada. He was a student of early American furniture, having a valuable collection at his home. IIe was a member of the Minneapolis Athletic Club, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, and the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Mr. lMetmore had been prominent in business afiairs in Minneapolis for more than twenty years.
Funeral services were held on April 13. He is survived by a brother, J. R. \Metmore of McCloud, Calif., and an aunt, Mrs. William F. Wood of Woodstock, Vt.
National Lumber Dealers Elect Officers
George W. LaPointe, Jr., O & N Lumber Co., Menomonie, Wis., was elected president of the National Lumber Dealers'Association at the annual meeting held at Chicago on April 2I-22. Other officers elected were F. Dean prescott, Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, Calif., first vice president; L. P. Lewin, A. M. Lewin Lumber Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, treasurer; and Frank Carnahan, Washington, D. C., secretary. F. Dean Prescott was appointed a member of the Executive Committee representing District No. 7, California, including the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. The Association name was changed to The National Lumber Dealers' Association, the word ,,Retail" being deleted from the title.
Dud Else In East
D. R. Else, Sudden & Christenson, San Francis,co, left on a vacation trip by automobile, April 16, accompanied by his wife and father. They will spend some time in Boston, New York and Chicago, and will visit the old home in Williamsport, Pa. Mr. Else expects to be back in San Francisco June 1.
Walter P. Medill, well known lumberman, for many years sales manager of McKay & Co., Redwood manufacturers, who has spent the last year on his ranch, has announced his intention of getting back into the lumber business. His present address is 861 Sutter Street, San Francisco.
o Ffrnr's your chance to tie in YOUR yard with the big CERTIGRADE Red Cedar Shingle advenising program in the Saturday Evening Post and other national magazines. A dozen localized ads like the samples above are now ready. "Mats" will be sent you FREE-your local paper merely has to add your firm's name. For complete set of ads see your CERTIGRADE field man or write dhs6. r r r Red Cedar Shingle Bureau: Headqrarters, Satde; Canadiat ofue,Yancouver, B. C.
Sbingh are nld oily by esteblbhcd hmhr dealcn,