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RMSTRONG presents TEM-
.(-L SEAL, an insulatins sheething- with unusual strength, high resistance to air and moieture in- fltration. Covered with asphalt and tough kraft paper, Temseal is used without buildins psper.
It holds neila tirhtl_v ind furnishes valuable structural strength.
In standard sheathins thickness of 95/92', it is made ii sizes of 4' wide by 6'to 19' lons.
WritL today for iamples and complete details to Armstrong Cork Products Com- a pany, Building Materials Division, 1008 Concord Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Hundreds o{ dealers have learned by experience that the lGl0 Sales Plan will help them sell more doors. And they also know, by experience, that the 10 points oI superiority found, in total, only in VOCO and LAMINEX Doors are assurance of customer satisfaction and a source of repeat business. If you don't have complete information about this profit-building plan-write for it today.
Arch:tectural Designs Show Standard Uses for Plywood
Seattle, Wash., April 25-An opportunity for lttmber <lealers to cut the costs and at the same tin-re to improve the appearance and the constructiou of their Demonstration Houses is offered by the Douglas Fir Pl1't'ood Association in a study of the application of plyt'ood to the approved ulans for the Model Hotles.
This study was prepared ltecause of the tremendous irrterest evidenced on the part of lumber dealers in the erection of demonstration small homes for 1938. L,ast year ap- proximately 3,000 such homes rvere built in the United
General Ruling No. 67 also states in part:
"The follos'ing materials are acceptable for interior finish plyrvood shall be not less than r/a inch thick.
The plyrvoocl study is available to all interested dealers ancl contains the detailed architectural specifications needed bv tl'renr for rvorking the house plans to meet their indir-idrral needs. Also include<l in the study are photographs illustrating the use of plyrvood forivall panels, sheathing, built-ins, and subflooring rvith detailed explanations of the tvoe of materials to be used in each operation.
Executive Committe es ol State Asstn
Staies ancl this 1,ear it is estimated that more than trvice t\ joint rneeti'g the executi'e committees of the Norththat number are being pranned by rumber
The architectural plans for these demonstration houses geles, I\,fondav noon. April 18. The following members atwere prepared by the National Small Homes Demonstration tendecl: J. O. Handley. president; E. C. Parker, vice-presianrl are available to dealers for a nominal sum. These plans dent ; Fre<l A. Witmer, secretary ; Paul Hallingby ; John W. n'ere studied by the Engineering Department of the Doug- Fisher; A. E. Fickling; Earl Johnson; A. C. Hansen ; \\rarlas Fir Plywood Association and the architectttral details ren S. Tillsor-r ; Geo. K. Adams, ancl F. Dean Prescott. for the rrse of plyrvood in rvall panels, sheathing, built-ins, Kenneth S'rith a'cl A. D. Davis rvere also present. arrcl snbflooring were drawn. These details are readY for President Handley presiclecl. He announced that an Assodistribtrtion to those dealers rvho plan to stage local clemotr- ciation office hacl bee' ope'ed at 282 Alvarado Street, strations. Nfor.rterev. \rice-President Parker saicl the Netv Year Rook
The application of these plans to the use of Douglas fir is readl* ancl u'ill be rnailecl orrt in a ferv tlays. plvwood has full FHA approval. Revised General Ruling N{r. Prescott reported that the annual convention of the No. 61 of the Federal Housing Adnrinistration says in part: National Retail Lttml>er Dealers .A,ssociation will be held
"The Technical Division rules that the follon'ing ma- at \A/ashingtor,. D. C.. Mal'9-ll. He rvill attend the conterials are acceptable for sheathing plys'oocl shall be vention as a member of the National's executive committee, Sheathin- grarle not le-.s than .5/16 inches in thickrress and and Mr. Hanrllev l'ill represent the State Association at securely nailed to the studs." the rneeting.