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We tcke plecrsure in cnnouncingr the cppointment oI


2201 E. l4th Street, Ocklcnd

As Wholescrle Distributors oI REI( crnd EASY (TO WASH) COMBINATION




Manulccturers oI

Window ScreensScreen DoorsCombincrtion Screen d Metcrl Sash Doors honing Bo<rrdsBlinds crnd Lourne Doors

745 S. Rcryrnond Avenue,SAMPSON SCREENS ARE


Alberta Hill, pretty University of California co-ed, will take a screen test at the M-G-M studio when she goes to Los Angeles to attend the cbnvention of her sorority, Pi Beta Phi, June 26 to July 1, it was announced in Berkeley. Miss Hill, who is the daughter of Al P. Hill, retail lumberman with yards in Albany and Richmond, is very popular on the campus. She was elected queen of the annual interfraternity dance last November, and had previously been chosen as one of the five best-dressed co-eds on the Berkeley campus. More recently she ruled as princess of the San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce snow carnival.

Los Angeles Visitor

Hawk Huey, Phoenix, Ariz., lumberman, spent a few days in Los Angeles the middle of last month.

Pcsqdena, Calif. STRONGEST


A. A. Kayser, for the past eleven years grade supervisor for the state of California for the West Coast Lumbermen's Association with headquarters at their Los Angeles office, has been transferred to the Portland office where he will be in charge of all grade inspection and certificate work in the state of Oregon.

Carl Ramstrom, who has been connected with the Los Angeles office for the past two years, will succeed Mr. Kayser as grade supervisor for California.

On Eastern Business Trip

L. C. Hammond, president of Hammond Redwood Company, San Francisco, and Herb Klass, assistant to the president of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, left April 26 for Chicago and New York on business in connection with their Eastern sales agents, California Redwood Distributors. Ltd.


Lower prices thqt result {rom efliciency in mcmcgement cnd production benelit producers ond consumers olike, but lower prices that ore the result of "chiseling" ol the loborer cmd the socrilice of fqir prolits, ruin business qnd degrcrde the stondqrds of the industry.


When last I faced the wind upon this hill, And looked across the valley white and still, I marked no sign of life on bush or tree, Lost in their thoughts they waited silently.

But now the lovely miracle of Spring Pours throbbing beauty into everything; This is no time for bitterness or griefThe hand of God has touched each blade and leai.

Surely the One that glorifies this hourThe One that brings the barren branch to flower, Will leave no reassuring word untold, Nor let a child sleep lonely in the cold.

And then, of course, there was the little Scotch boy who was saving his toys for his second childhood.

A Fortune For Someone

History Lecturer-Can any of you tell me what makes the Tower of Pisa lean?

Corpulent Lady-I don't know, or I'd take some myself.

A Successful Man

The man is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved popfy, a perfect poem or a rescued soul. Who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. His memory is a benediction.-Robert Louis Stevenson.


Jones : Not a day passes but what my wife shows her incompatibility.

Bones: Ain't it a crime the way women dress?

Defined Again

Our idea of an optimist is a man of 80 marrying a woman of 75 and looking for a home to rent close to a school.

Famous Sayings Famous Folks

Samson: "I'm strong)it you, kid." they are, the harder they fall."

Nero: "Hot Keep the home fires burning."

Cleopatra: "$q6're an easy Mark Anthony."

Helen: "So this is Paris."

Noah: "It floats."

Methuselah: "The first hundred years are the hardest."

A Lady All Alive

Oh, she was a lady all alive ! She bedeviled the beaux Who would woo and wive; She wore sackcloth And no ashes, She wore beads And purple sashes. She wore feathers And fine fancies

Going to routs And plays and dances, With gew-gaws, whims And silver dresses, And pearls in curls, And twirls of tresses. Her jewels shone Like midnight's marchers, Her hair built high As lady Archer's, With brooches, wings And wonders wiry. Her witchy face Was fine and fiery. Her hoop it nearly Spread an acre; She was a credit To her Maker. Her Maker was pleased He could contrive, Such a ladyAll alive.

-Rose O'Neil, in The New York Times.

Sampson Compahy Appoints Distributor In S. F. B.y District

Sampson Company of Pasadena, widely known manufacturers of window and door screens, combination screen and metal sash doors, ironing boards, blinds and Louvre doors, recently appointed Lincoln Lumber, Inc., 2201 East 14th Street, Oakland, as wholesale distributors of the Sampson line.

In speaking of his firm's appointment, H. "Abe" Lincoln, Jr., president of Lincoln Lumber, Inc., said: "I had heard a great deal of favorable comment on this line of merchandise, and after our salesmen reported having received a number of inquiries for various Sampson products I decided we wanted to handle them and lost no time in making a deal with Bill Sampson to do so.

"f am particularly pleased with the Rex and Easy (To Wash) combination metal sash screen doors. Also with the pre-fitted window screens, which have the bottom rail beveled to the same angle as the window sill."

Among the special features claimed for the Rex combination metal sash screen door are the Acme Spring Sash Balance, the cadmium plated steel sash, removable screen section and Sugar Pine construction.

The Easy(To Wash) door is also of Sugar Pine construction, has cadmium plated steel sash, removable in a few seconds for washing, and has a positive lock on the inside.

H. H. "Hank" Andrews is manager of the wholesale department of Lincoln Lumber, Inc. John Frampton is the salesman calling on the dealers throughout Northern California.

Henry Hink On Eastern Trip

Henry M. Hink, vice-president and sales manager of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, left April 20 to visit all the principal Eastern cities in his capacity as president of the Redwood Sales Company.

Mr. Hink is traveling with Milton V. Johns, manager of the Redwood Sales Company. They will call on all the company's sales connections and will be gone four or five weeks.

Women Control Buying

Real estate operators have found that fully 85 per cent of home buying is controlled by women.

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