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Hardwoods and f,umber Products
Complete stocks in and competitive grades
Two Million Feet to Serve Vou
Appointed Exclugive Sales Agents for Stockton Mouldlng Plant
Wendling-Nathan Company, wholesale lumber dealers, San Francisco, announce that they have been appointed exclusive sales agents for the California Pine mouldings manufactured by the Electric Planing Mill Company, Stockton, Calif. They are selling these mouldings all over the United States. Sales are made in carload quantities only.
Electric Planing Mill Company recently built a new plant at Stockton for the manufacture of California Pine mouldings. All of the equipment is of the most modern type and includes four stickers, two new band resaws, three ripsaws and cutoff saws.
Jim Mclntosh is owner and manager of the new
Organize \(holesale Lumber Firm
New Flashes
Sterling Stofle, sales manager of Western Hardwood Lumber Co., T os Angeles, has returned from a three weeks' business trip to the Pacific Northwest.
Perry A. Dame, sales manager Veneer Co., Vancouver, Wash., ing two weeks in California on of Vancouver Plywood & has returned from spendbusiness for his firm.
Hugh W. Handley, sales manager, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, is back from visiting mills in Southern Oregon and the Redwood Empire.
George W. Gorman, Gorman Lumber Co., Oakland, flew to Los Angeles and back on business early last week.
Plant' Don Doucl was a recent business. He
Charles B. Lyons and George Geib have organized the Lyons-Geib Co., wholesale lumber firm, with offices in the Halliburton Building, 1709 West 8th Street, Los Angeles. Mr. Lyons has been associated with the wholesale lumber business in Southern California for many years, having been with the Hammond Lumber Company, LawrencePhilips Lumber Co., and recently was in business for himself. George Geib was formerly in the retail lumber business and several years ago operated a yard. at Carlsbad, Calif.
Defiance Lumber Los Angeles and made the trip by
Art Zeigen, salesmanager, Polson Lumber Mills, Hoquiam, Wash., spent a few days in Los Angeles and San Francisco on company business.
Charles E. Miller of the Youngs renton, Ore., made a business trip last week. He traveled both ways
Company, Tacoma, Wash., San Francisco visitor on airplane. Bay Lumber Co., 'Warto San Francisco early by the air route.
Milton Taenzer and J. W. (Julie) Smith of the American }fardwood Co., Los Angeles, are back from a trip to the Pine mills in Northern California and Oregon.
At our Fresno ycrrd we ccrrf/ complete stocks oI USG Wecthennood Insulcrtion Bocuds crnd USG Bed Top Insulcting Wool, Douglcrs Fir Commons cnd Cleqrs, Redwood, Red Cedcr Shingles, Plywood and Oak Flooring, At Oqklcnd we specicrlize in Douglcrs Fir Commons, Rough Clecrs crnd Finish.