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Headg Ingulation Department
Cal if ornia Panel & Veneer Company, Los Angeles, announce the aPpointment of George E; Otto as manager of their in' sulation department.
Mr. Otto is particularly well know.n in the insulation field in Southern California. He rvas employed until recenty by E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, in their insulation department, and was formerly with The Insulite Company for many years in various capacities in the East and Middle West.
I. C. Holloway and C. R. Jordan have opened a retail lumber yard at 2739 East State Street, Long Beach, which they will operate as the Holloway-Jordan Lumber Company. Mr. Holloway was formerly manager of the Consolidated Lumber Company at Torrance, and prior to that managed the Long Beach yard of the San Pedro Lumber Company. Mr. Jordan was formerly with the Southwestern Sash & Door Co. of Phoenix, Ariz.
New Manual on Home Ownership
Washington, April 20.-The Washington headquarters of the National Small Homes Demonstration has just released to cooperating state and area Homes Foundations and others cooperating in the national program for the advancement of the lower cost small home, a new information manual for those who operate local information services or furnish material to local newspapers.
The new booklet is in mimeograph form and contains approximately 35 ready-prepared articles and items dealing with the philosophy of home ownership, economics of home ownership, financing of home ownership, new building suggestions, suggestions Ior modernizing and repair, the advantages of wood construction, and discussion of the housing problem.
This new material offers local units another source from which they can draw quickly and readily material for special newspaper releases, building page stories, speeches and radio addresses. It rnay be used without credit to National Small Homes Demonstration. Copies may be secured by writing to the headquarters office in Washington, D. C.
Opens Office At Wilmington
Andy Wilson, formerly with the Hammond Shipping Company at Wilmington, has been appointed representative for the Shipowners Association of the Pacific and has opened an office for the Association at Wilmington.
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Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customerg the quality of the stock you handle. Buildere quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.
Reveille Attendance All-Time Record
(Continued from Page 23)
Finance-Tom Branson, chairman; Shirley Forsey, James McNab, Clement Fraser, Caspar Hexberg.
Entertainment-Lewis Godard, chairman; D. Norman Cords, Tom Branson, Miland Grant, John Helm.
Golf-Ed La Franchi, chairman; C. H. (Chuck) Griffen III, Lloyd Harris, Harry Hood, Clyde Speer, Larue Woodson.
Banquet-H. "Abe" Lincoln, Jr., chairman; H. Sewall Morton, Jack Ferri, Ken Shipp.
Publicity-Wm. Chatham, Jr., chairman; W. T. Black, Jerry Bonnington, George M. Cornwall, J. J. Farley, F. "Tom" Tomlinson.
Program and Poster-Don Coveney, chairman; M. B. "Nickt' Carter, Charles Gartin, Forrest K. Peil, G. W. Sechrist.
Ticket Sales-A. D. Williamson, chairman; Miland Grant, Frank White, Larue Woodson, Fred Lamon, B. E. Bryan, George Grant, Norman Stanley, Wes Farrar, Frank Teakle, Shirley Forsey, John Freeman.
Purchase Steamer Cornelia
Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los Angeles, in conjunction with two of their Tacoma mills, Tacoma Harbor Lumber Co. and Peterman Mfg. Co., recently purchased the steamer Cornelia, formerly known as the John C. Kirkpatrick. This vessel has a lumber carrying capacity of 1,500,000 feet and will operate between Puget Sound ports and Southern California ports.
The steamer will be operated under the name of the West Coast Shipping Co., with headquarters at the office of Tacoma Lumber Sales, 714 W. Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles.
Ancient Glass Blocks
Many indications have been found that glass blocks first were manufactured many centuries ago, possibly as long ago as 2,000 years. Recently a panel of glass blocks was found in an ancient wall in Germany which apparently had been put there by the Romans during their occupation of that part of Europe. The block was evidently handblown.