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(A TAIIX PRODUCT) Now Avcilcble From Stock
We toke plecrsure in qnnouncing thcrt we ore now distributors of LAUX REZ SEALER Ior trecrting oll types of wood ond other mcrtericls requiring secrling.
REZ stops groin roising cmd checking, minimizes moisture obsorption, gives o perfect bcse for point cmd enqmel.
REZ is ready to crpply. Ccn be opplied by dipping, brushing, sprcrying or rubbing.
955-967 sourn ALAMEDA srREEr
Telephone TRinity 0f57
Mailing Add,ress: P. O. Box 96, Arcade Station LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA
Thir airplane view conveyr some idea of the cize and.ertent of our plant-with the largest capacity, narnely, 47 M qet hour, of any car-and-cargo mill in Oregon. Cargo and rail shipments of Soft Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir and Sitka Spruce. Weekly sailingr to California ports; packaged lumber stowed even lengths and widths.