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Bocked by oggressive merchondising ond susfoined odvertising in leoding Notionol Mogozines ond melropolilon newspopers, PATCO PETE'S MUTCH builds sreody, yeor-round repeot soles with o liberol morgin of profir. To tie-in ond supply the fost growing demond, investigote fully, todoy. Write for prices ond discounls. Ask for Free Inspection Somple ond soles helps. You'll ffnd it'll poy to stock ond disploy PALCO PETE'S MUTCH The "Buy" word of gordeners, everywhere. A Few Desirobfe Distfibvtor's lenitories Open.

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Johns-Manville Corp..---------.,-Johnson Lumber Corporation, C. D.-

I. E. MANflN Mcncrging Editor W. T. BTACK Adverlisiag Mcncrger

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