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Right now, it's no more than a storage place, filled with the accumulation of yesterday. But with the return of peace and the release of the Masonite* presdwoods, it'll be transformed into a charming, colorful room, suite, or apartment designed to be lived in.

Hundreds of homes in your area will call upon the Presdwoods for aid in putting inactive space to good use, for help in remodeling present living quarters. The Presdwoods, ligno-cellulose hardboards made from exploded wood ffber, go up quickly and easily over bare framing (or old plaster), produce easy-to-paint, easyto-clean walls, ceiling, furniture-and even flooring. They're easy to work with ordinary carpenter's tools.

Bathrooms of beauty will be created with these dense, moisture resistant boards, available in ready-to-paint smooth surfaces or custom ffnishes in a color-laden array of designs and patterns.

For complete information write Masonite Corporation, Dept. L-5, 111 W. Washington Street, Chicago 2, Illinois.

Can Buy Plywood on Doctor's Prescription Opent \Tholerale Lumbe r O(frce

Tacoma, lMash., April 9-It's a fact !

Now you can buy plywood on a doctor's prescription'

For a recent revision of the War Production Board order limiting the salg of fir plywood says: "Ratings (to purchase panels) rvill be granted to individuals where the plywood is to be used as a bed support when specified by a physician's prescription."

Why such an order ?

For years doctors have advised patients to place a of plyr,r'ood between springs and mattress to prevent strain due to sagging, ill-fitting be{s. But as plywood norv is a vital war material, it has not been available for ordinary civilian uses.

Stuart C. Smith has opened a wholesale lumber office in the Parkway Building, Pasadena, and will operate under his own name. The telephone numbers are SYcamore 2' 3837-and ZEnith 6633.

Stuart has been connected with the wholesale lumber business for many years and is widely known to the Southern California lumber trade. He will retain his connections with Sierra Lumber Products of Pasadena.

Hi Appointed General Mcrncrger

Baugh Bros. & Co., Los Angeles, announces the appointment of Pat Sublett as general manager during the absence of Robert P. Baugh who has gone in the Service.

Months ago Dr. Noble W. Jones of Portland (Ore') Clinic urged WPB to permit purchase of plywood for orthopedic treatment. Across the nation, too, Lewis & Conger department store in New York City sought to supply their customers plywood for "bed boards" r'hen prescribed by doctors.

Now, the \ /PB order opens the rvay for plywood to become a therapeutic material. But take your prescription to the retail lumber dealer, not to the druggist' And, until military demands lessen, it will take more than a doctor's order to get fir plywood for building a house, garage, barn or boat.

Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club Meeting

Commander A. W. Scott, who was the first combat pilot of the British Royal Navy Air Service in World War II, world traveler and radio commentator, was the speaker at the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club meeting held at the University Club, Los Angeles, Monday noon, April 23. His talk, "A Graphic Word Picture of the War in the Pacific," was enjoyed by the large attendance.

C. W. Pinkerton, Lumbermen's Governmental Service Bureau, Whittier, talked briefly on legislation matters norv before the State legislature which is in session at Sacramento.

Due to the absence of President Roy Stanton, who was in the Northwest, Vice President Bob Osgood presided. George Clough introduced the speaker.

Pat has been connected with the wholesale lumber business in the Los Angeles territory for a long period and is 'rvell known to the trade.

William E. Baugh, who is a member of the firm, has been overseas with the Army in Italy for the past three vears.

With Blanchard Lumfer Co.

Ray Holmes has joined the office stafi of the Blanchard Lumber Company at North Hollyu'ood. Ray has been connected rvith the lumber business for many years and is rvell knorvn to the Southern California trade.

Visit Los Angeles

E. W. Stuchell, president of the Eclipse Mill Co., Everett, Wash., and Wm. C. Daniels, assistant manager of the Van Deinse Lumber Sales Co., Portland, Ore., spent several days in Los Angeles around the middle of April on a combined pleasure and business trip. Mrs. Stuchell and Mrs. Daniels accompanied them on the trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Stuchell went on 'to El Paso, and also visited Pecos, Texas, where their son, Harry Stuchell, received his wings and was commissioned a Lieutenant in the Army Air Corps. On their return to Los Angeles, they met I\fr. and N{rs. Daniels, ancl the partv leftfor the Northwest.

While in Los Angeles, Mr. Daniels conferred 'ivith Charles E. Kendall, Southern California representative for the Van Deinse Lumber Sales Co.

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