4 minute read
Under the Pines and These Timely Tales Are Redwoods Gathered
Mr. Herman L. Rosenberg and Miss Francis Kimmel were married at Mr. Rosenbergs mother's home in Los Angeles, on the morn'ing of May 9th.
Mr. Rosenberg is a member of the Hipolito Screen and Sash Company, of Los Angeles, and is one of the more popular members of the lumber fraternity in that section. His bride is a beautiful and very charming young lady, a member of one of the old Los Angeles fam'ilies.
Mr. and Mrs. Rosen'berg left immediately after the wedding for a two weeks trip through the northern part of _the staie, and will be at home to their friends about June 1.
Large Cargo For Australia
The steamer "City of Vancouver" cleared from Tacoma last week wth a cargo of 4,800,000 feet of fir, for Austral'ia.
New Yard Manager For Ganahl
Mr. Harry Ott, forrnerly connected with the Show Lumber Company -at Calexico, has taken the management of the Washington Street yard of the C. Ganahl Lumber Company, Los Angeles.
The Show Lumber Company, of Calexico has closed its vard and announces their retirement from the retail busiiress in that section.
New Yard At Long Beach
The Ocean Lumber & Construction Company has been incorporated for $100,000.00 and will open a yard in Long Beach.
This company was formed by L. F. Lapointe-F. Grenier, C. E. Fuette and F. L. Gimbv.
Lumbermens Club Entertains Sash And Door Men
On Thursday evening May 3, the Los Angeles Lumberm,ens Club was host to the members ,of the United Sash and Door Dealers of Southern California, at a dinner and entertainment at the Los Angeles Athletic Club.
About sixty attended. Mr. E. D. Tennant m,anager for the Lumbermens Club acted as toastmaster, and after the dinner and an excellent entertainment, called on several members of the two bodies for talks. E. A. Nicholson. D. Woodhead, E. C. Owens, L. R. McKesson, an,d several others responded with interesting talks on the situation in their districts.
Mr. Tennant gave his views on the building conditions in Southern California, and the possibilities for building material dealers. Mr. Tennant emrphasized the necessity for cooperation between the lumber dealer and the sash and door man, and said that he felt the lumber dealer could do well in selling doors and windows to his trade.
Mr. L. R. McKesson president of the United Sash and Door Dealers invited the Lumber,mens Club to be their guests at a dinner at a date to be set by their commrittees, th'is invitation was accepted by the lumberm'en.
It was also arranged that these two bodies would have joint noonday meetings from time to time.
Mr. Herbert Eshelman, credit manager for the Potlach Lumber Company. Spokane Wshington, is in Los Angeles visiting relatives.
Mr. W. H. Boner, manager of the Weyerhaeuser-mills at Everett Washington, has returned after an extended trip through California.
Mr. Boner made a study of building conditions in this state, and states that he was very much impressed with the enormous activity that shows no signs of a let up.
Encouraging Thrift Among The School Children
To secure the interest of every school child in the hustling town of Bellflower, and to encourage them to work and save through the summer vacation, is the very laudable plan of Mr. Floyd Lee Lake, of the Bellflow& Lum,ber Company, Bellflower.

Mr. Lake appeared at a meeting of the Parent Teachers Association recently and outlined' the plan of a yearly contest that he started two years ago, this contest open to children in the second to eighth grades.
Mr. Lake offers prizes to the child, boy or girl, that earns and saves the largest amounts of money between June 1 and September 15. The first prize ol $10.00 will be given to the one having the largest saving and the second prize is $3.00 for the next largest amount.
This money must be accumulated by the childs own efforts, and gifts cannot enter rinto the race. The money must be banked within one week after ,it has been earned, and all contestants are required to keep an account of their own earnings, and of the bank account, this to be lcept in such shape that it can be used 'by the judges in awarding the prizes. These accounts also will show from what source the money has been received. There will be three judges, prominent men of Bellflower.
While it ,is not a rule of the conte.st, Mr. Lake has suggested to the parents that they have this money all banked
SUGAR personally by the children at one of their home bants, this putting the children on a business level with their fathers, and giving them an opportunity to meet and know the ,men at the banks who will take a personal interest in the money affa,irs.
Mr. Lake states that the two former contests were verv successful, and that he expects the one this year to be weil ahead. He intends to make this an annual afiair, and will continue the contest each summer indefinitely.
DON'T be a clerk and sell lumber to two-legged forms that drop in to buy.
Be a SALESMAN, .and sell building IDEAS to tthinking individuals.
Learn something about the building business every day, so that you can advise and assist your customers.
Keep away from the m,atter of price, if possible, until you have sold the idea.
Come down to the office every morning with the resolution in your heart that you will do some real selling before the day is over.
Be a better salesman every night {han you were the night before.
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