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About one hundred members of the Bav District HooHoo attended the Smoker held at the Commercial Club Rooms, San Francisco, on the evening of April 28. During the dinner, the Neopolitan Quartette sang several selections which were well rendered; a six piece orchestra ,also provided an excellent musical program during the evenirg. Through the courtesy of the San Franc,isco Japanese Y.M.C.A., several members participated in Jiu-Jitsu bouts. An exciting four round boxing bout, arranged for by Tony Simpson of the Oakland Athletic Club, was staged for the members. Everybody reported a fine time and the excellent entertainment committee composed of Ed. Chamberlin. Homer Maris, Bill Mad,ill, and Frank O'Connor should be highly complimented for the evenings entertainment.
Vicegerent For Houston Distrtct
Follow,ing the concatenation, Dallas M. Tourtellot of the Gulf Coast Lumberman was unanimously nominated and elected as Vicergent S,nar\ for the H.ouston district. Mr. Tourtollot is one of the most faithful workers of his state and with his wide acquaintance and popularity among the lumbermen of his state, will be of great value in promoting the activities of the Order.
ruocls deoeloped by Moore Dry Kilns in protting that Iumber could be seasoned economically and succ€,ss- fullv. This achieoement is an historicaf Dusiness rcc6rd that occuffed bach in '79 when 6ig business of this country was in its infanc!.
From a slmall beginning, let foftified uith a heen ursion of the intmense forestry resot rces of the nation the Moore Dty Kiln business fras groun sturdily to meet the demand that naturally arrses from an indispensable equiprnent.
Moore Dry Kilns can b supplied guichly for seasoning any forest product, in indioidual unit or a bettery to rneet eo.ch specific requirement, frorn two great plantsr located admirably to seroe fitafiufacturers mosf adoantageously.
We place at your cornmand free to you the eeroice of the most competent stafr of Dry l{iln experts in Aierica to help you ooercome ony difficulty in your method of sessoning lumbcr.