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Purely Personal
Hiscox On Business Trip To Northwest
R. A. Hiscox, of tho Western States Lumber Co. of S'an Francisco, accornpanied by his son, Arthur Hiscox, is in the Northwest on a short business trip. He is calling on the mills and was m€t at Glendale, Oregon, by Charles Sand, the company's northern representative. From this point they will travel north to Portland, where he will spend a few days.
Hammatt Visits Sacramento Valley Retailers
R. F. Hammatt, Secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association has left San Francisco for a ten days tr,ip that will carry, him through the Sacramento Valley. He will call on the ret.ail lumber trade taking up with them the dealer service plans that the California Redwood Association are offering to the retail lumbermen of the state. He also plans to attend to meeting of the Central Californ'ia Lumbermen's Club that will be held at Turlock on Saturday, May 12.
W. R. Chamberlin, of W. R. Chamberlin & Co. of San Francisco, has returned to San Francisco after spending several days in the northwest calling on his mill connections. W. R. Chamberlin & Co. are the California representatives of several large fir mills located on the Columbia River anr-l Puget Sound.
Castetter Visits Northwest Mill Connections
F. A. Castetter, president of the Oregon Lumber Agency of Los Angeles, has retnrned to California after a two weeks' business trip in the northwest calling on his mill connections. He visited Grants Pass, Portland, Wheeler, and Tacoma. Hc reports that the Wheeler Lumber Co., of Wheeler, Oregon, have made some extensive improvements at their 'mill and have increased the capacity of their plant. The Wheeler Lumber Co. is owned by the DuBois interests of Pennsylvania and are represented by the Oregon Lumber Agency in Southern California.
G. H.
Brown Visits Eastern Hardwoods Centers
G. I{. Brown, president and manager of the Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland, started east Wednesday, May 2, for an extended business trip. Mr. Brown will enter the hardwood production district at New Orleans and spend approximately thirty days moving slowly up through the Mississippi Valley, stopping at most of the hardwood producing centers inspecting and purchasing hardwood lumber for his C)akland operation. Columbus and Cincinnati in Ohio will be visited, after which a short stay will be made in Chicago and from there he will go to Detr,oit, Saginaw and Manistee, N[ichigan. Mrs. Brown is accompanying Mr. Brown and after a month spent in visiting the above districts they will go to the Atlantic Coast, visiting Washington, Philadelphia, Nerv York and Boston.