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Happenings in Hoo-Hoo Land
Doings and Sayings of Tom
"Parson" Peter A. Simpkin has done another great work for Hoo-Hoo.
In the past month he has put the great lumbering state of Texas back on the Hoo-Hoo map, and done a beautiful job of it.
Many years ago there were more Hoo-Hoo in Texas than in any other state, by far.
Then Hoo-Hoo died in Texas, and since Texas continued to look upon the order in the light of its past experiences and remembrances, no interest was taken when Hoo-Hoo rumors were heard.
But there is nothing the Parson can't do, when he meets reasonable and reasoning men face to face to talk about Hoo-Hoo.
Last fall he put El Paso on the map with a Hoo-Hoo Club, and then'did the same with the Amarillo territory. In April he went to Beaumont where he had organizerl the first Texas Hoo-Hoo Club last year, and helped the,m with a fine Concatenation. From there he went to Dallas ar.rd put on ,a Concat at the Texas annual lumber convention. Then he went to Waco and stirred up much inter- est in the order with good prospects for a Club, and he wen,t to Hous,ton andl pulled a Concat with all the o,ld heads there, put through a good cl,ass of respresentative lum'berman, and organized a Club, with Harry T. Kendall of The Kirby-Bonner Lumber Company for its president. He is now planning a Club at Lufkin, and one at San Antonio, which rvill put the State of Texas wonderfully on the Hoo-Hoo m,ap again.
At the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo luncheon May 10, it was decided that all thi old cats and their friends would attend the baseball game in a bunch on Saturday, \{ay 19, when Seattle and Los Angeles will battle.
A section of the grand stand will be reserved for about fift-y of the rcoters, and this will be lirrown as Hoo-Hoo day.
The committee apointed to arrange and make the reservations is composed of : Earl Hoffman, phone, Pico2429; "Gus" Hoover, phone 61662, and Phil Hart, phone 824-565. All Hoo-I{oo and lumbermen in general are invited to participate in this affair, and they can make reservations and secufe tickets from any of the committeemen. The cost will be $1.00 each.