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Southern California Lumbermen Play Golf

George H. Lockwood Wins Low Gross Prize. Ed. Seward Low Net Winner.

George H. Lockwood, J. C. Niederer & Co., Los Angeles, with a gross score of 79, was the winner of the low gross prize, "The Frank Burnaby Cup," at the Southern California Lumber- included: Harry V. Hanson, chairman; Don Philips, handicaps and starting; Bob Osgood, prizes; Ed. Martin, secretary-treasurer. The tournament was sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club. men's Golf Tournament, held at the Hollywood Country Club, Hollywood, Calif., on Friday afternoon, May 8. Ed. Seward,. Dolbeer-Carson Lumber Co., Los Angeles, with a net score of 69 was the winner of the low net prize, "The California Lumber Merchant cup."

The winners of the Flight Events were as follows: First Flight-first prize, Roy Stanton; second prize, Paul Hill; Second Flight-first prize, Barry Hanawalt; second prize, Harvey Bowles; Third Flight-first prize, Gene DeArmond; second prize, C. Ganahl; Fourth Flight-first prize, L. A. Bark; second prize, Dick Loveday.

Following the dinner held at the Club House, Kenneth Smith presented the prizes to the winners of the various events. The committee which arranged for the tournament

1 Prizes Offered for Redwood / Salesmen

The California Redwood Association is ofiering a prize of $25.0O a month for three months to the Redwood salesman or company doing the most constructive selling work during the preceding month. Salesmen are invited to send in weekly reports of the'most constructive work accomplished during the week. These reports are to be made on printed forms provided for the purpose. All reports must be in by the 10th of each month, and prize will be awarded on the 15th. The prize for April will be awarded on May l5th.

At the end of the three months there will be a competition between Northern and Southern California to determine which section turned in reports of the most constructive salesmanship.

Come And Look Us Oyer

Next time you are in our neighborhood, Mr. Retailer, we'll be glad if you will come and see our layout at Dennison St. \ilfharf, foot of Dennison St., Oakland. Itts just two minutes' drive from the intersection of E. l4th and 23rd Ave.

Our tr[otto: "Promise Less-Do More''

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