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l2;0OO Attend Buffalo Hoo Hoo Meeting
Approximately 12,000 carpenters, contractors, architects, purchasing agents and lumbermen attended the Hoo Hoo Club's third annual rvood users' meeting at the Bufialo auditorium, Buffalo, N. Y., on April 28.
In the afternoon there rvas an impressive parade, 26 trucks loaded with various lumber products and carrying banners and streamers advertising- wood which passed through the principal streets of the city. A band tea tne proce.ssion and a squad of motorcycle police preceded the parade. -
The program at the auditorium opened with movie comedies. A film, "The I\{ission of thi Pines." a descriotion of lumbering in the Ozarks and furnished by the Djerks Lumber & Coal Co., of Kansas City, Mo., was also shown on the screen. A number of amafeur boxing bouts were also staged. Andrerv J. Brady, Jr.,HooH6o Counselor for New York State, welcomed the girests and talked on the purposes of Hoo Hoo. Rabbi Joseph L. Fink, speaking in the absence of the mayor, urged the-audience to suppori Buffalo's 1932 Centennial progrim which will be held^f?om l"ly 1 19,10, 1932, in the interests of community progress.
D_onald H. McNeal, of Powell & McNeil, Inc., of Chi-cago, whose topic was "The Contractor's Opportunity," was t-he principal speaker. Twenty door prizes-of $5.00 each were awarded lucky ticket holders.
The officers and committees in charge of the affair were as follows: Gerard M. Zimmerman. president: Charles N. Perrin, first vice-president; George R. Hofheins, second lice--presiden1!; F. Fleming Sulliian, secretary-treasrlrer; C_lifford H. Peek, Harold C. Kelleran, William y. Brady, Clifford Harold
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Phonc: TRinity gglf Honc Phonc: VErmont 3l|Il and F. Fleming Sullivan, assistant I chairmen; L. N.
Norman Brautigan and Joseph C. L. Evans, direciors; Edward Y. Gemmill, Vicegerent Snark; Andrew J. Brady, State Counselor; Franklin A. Hofheins. Snark oi the Universe; F. H. Buddenhagen. general chairman ; L. J.Lervis 3ng.r. rtemlng')ulltvan, asslstant general charrmen; Whissel, _publicity ; Franklin A. Hbfheins, reception ; Andrew T. Bradv. ringmaster: Vernon Celdwell ldmi".i^-. dr.* J. Brady, Vernon Caldwell, idmission; Eugene Nostrant, piogram i Joseph Evans, ushers; Henry 9.,olg", Jr., door guards; Norman Brautigan, music; Haro_ld Kelleran, movies; Charles N. Perrin, speakers; Eugene Carson, boxing; Gerard Zimmerman, door-prizes.
Pacific Door and Sash Will Continue Operating as Usual
A receivership in equity was asked for the Pacific Door & Sash Co. in a petition filed on May 4 in the United States District Court at Los Angeles on-behalf of the Donovan -L-umber Company of the -State of Washington. After a filing of a consent to the receivership by-C. L. Miller, president of the company, W. W. McCbmb was appointed recerver.
It is announced that the company will continue operating as usual and that the same quality of service -will be maintain-ed.
Next S. F. Hoo Hoo Meeting Will be "Redwood Day"
The next regular meeting of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club will be held at the Cbmmercial Club, San Francisco, at l2:@ noon, Thursday, Ntay.28. This will be the last f-get]ng belore.the vacation season, and will be a special "Redwood Day". Those present will hear what the- Redwood industry is doing to promote the use ofwood. All lumbermen are invited to a[tend..
t'Orly the Piston moveett
% to 2-inch Dritling Capacity.
Sferghts 10 to 2O lbs.
Priced at t100 and up.
Ehcertc lDrllls, Atl Slzec
(Thc Claring Hout)
This Crolunrn of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who'Wants to SelI
The Fellow \Mho'Wants to Hire
Rate: t2.s0 pa coturnn iacl The Fellow Who \Mants to Be Hired
For Sale
Planing MiLt Machinery for sde. All modern, ril 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., LG Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.
Position Wanted By Experienced Lumber Office Man
By experienced all around lumber office clerical man. A-1 refeiences regarding integrity and general qualifica' tions. Address Box C-382. California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted Position
Lumberman with experience covering that of ManagerSales-Office-Foreman-desires position. Will go anywhere. Good references. Address Box C-386, California Lumber Mer'chant.
Planing Mill Superintendent And Foreman Open For Position
Mill superintendent and foreman open for position. Combination man in medium shop. Details-Estimating-Sales -Shop Foreman-Shop Layouts-Architectural Draftsman on small homes or Plan Service. Well recommended from well known lumber companies. I will put your plant on a paying basis if it is at all possible. Salary $250.00 per month with lOVo of the net profits. Box C-391, California Lumber Merchant.
Open for position with wholesale or retail lumber concern selling or manag'er of yard. Seven years' experience wholesale and retail hardwoods, Sugar and White Pine, O. P. Panels, five years manager, two years accountant. Have excellent references as to ability, character and honesty, and results. Address Box C-392. care California Lumber Merchant.
Are you a retail lumberman who can prove himself an asset to such a business and with a small amount of capital ? If so investigate this. Write fully, Box C-394, care California Lumber Merchant.
Will buy a yard in good two or three-yard tortlCalifornia or Oregon. Inveltment up to $3O'O(X).OO.
Addrecs Box C-395
Care California Lumber Merchant
Position Wanted As Retail Manager Or Salesman
Experienced man wishes job as retail manager or salesman. 31 years of age, married. 1l years' experience in management and sales work, also bookkeeping. Will start at once at a livable salary. References. Address Box C-383. California Lumber Merchant.
Timber For Sale
20 million feet of timber for sale at Crescent Mills, California. One-half Pine and one-half Fir-two miles from the railroad now being built connecting Western Pacific and the Great Northern. Can arrange satisfactory terms. H. S. Hersman, Owner, Gilroy, California.
The current depression offers a relatively better opportunity to the yard with a management that is keen and aleit to meet conditions, prune its costs and adapt itself to circumstances. With years of experience to my credit I can cope with present conditions if anybody can, and would appreciate an interview. F. W. Blanchard, 3128 Eton Ave., Berkelev. Calif.
Position Wanted
Position wanted by man experienced ment, bookkeeping and accounting. All or ln yafd managepart time. Refer- ences furnished. Address Box C-390, The California Lumber Merchant.

The California Lumber Mer,chant can contact a very responsible man, experienced in wholesale and retail-buying and selling lumber-estimating, accounting, yard management. Has managed Insurance Department of building material company. Experienced in all lines of Portland Cement sales. Will go anywhere. Married-age 35. Address Box C-393. The California Lumber Merchant.
fHn minds of mosthome owners and prospective home owners, oak flooring holds its own against any other flooring or floor covering. To them oak flooring is more than a good investment. In floors of oak they see real beauty, style that is always up to date, warmth,color, life and the ease with which these qualities can be maintained.
Effectise dealer selling aids in oar serttice include literatare in color, sEdes and dealer catsl lVe uoald like for loa to see for yozrself bout asefal lbcy anuld be to 7oa-jast urite for them,
Lambermer since t875 bng-Bell beam, In rddl. tion to it! om name, the emblemSOFI-the brand of Southern Oak Floorine lndustries. an asaociation to promot6 fine dooring through advcr. tising, research and co,operation with retail lumber dealere, architecte, con tractors and iadividul buildero.