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Forest Service Establishes Primitive Areas

In order to preserve for the public the conditions which existed in the pioneer phase of California's development, sixteen'tracts, termed "primitive areas," embracing 11744,412 acres in fi,fteen national forests of the California Region, have been designated by R. Y. Stuart, chief of the U. S. Fprest Service, according to notice just received by regional forester S. B.Show. These areas are part of the wilderness country of the Sierra and Coast Range, and except for trails and such roads as are necessary for fire protection and administration, no permanent improvements of a recreational nature will be per'mitted.

"The recreational resources of the national forests of California are being utilized to su,ch an extent that some action must be taken to provide areas where truly natural conditions can be found," stated Mr. Show. "Much of what a few years ago was wilderness is now given over to highways with summer resorts, auto camps and gas stations. The ,camper who desires a vacation in the real wilderness will now be assured of vacation grounds where environment, transportation, habitation and subsistence are almost the same as when the fi'rst white settlers came to California."

The primitive areas established by the Forest Service are as follows:

AgnTibia--2,5,910 acres, in the Cleveland National Forest, in'cluding part of the Agua Tibia range and peak of that name. From these mountains wonderful views can be obtained of the desert and ocean.

Caribou Batte-16,442 acres, in the l-assen National Forest. This is a region of vol,canic buttes with many interesting lava formations. Elevation from 6,000 to 7,000 feet.

Cucamonga-S,O00 acres in the San Bernardino National Forest. A region varying from rblling" benches to steep cliffs, immediately adjacent to intensively used recreational centers. Elevations from 5,00O to 9,000 feet.

Desolation Valley-41,380 acres, in the E,ldorado National Forest. Located in a high Alpine country of granite peaks and skyline lakes, with elevations ranging from 6,500 to 10,120 feet.

Dana-Minarets-82.181 acres. in the Mono and Sierra National Forests. A po,rtion of the Minaret Range, including Mt. Dana, 13,050 feet, and Mt. Lyell, 13,090 feet, a region of perpetual snow, with gorges, mountain meadows, glaciers and glacial moraines, form the main features of this High Sierra country.

Emigrant Basin-98,M4 acres, in the Stanislaus National Forest; on one of the routes of the covered-wagon pioneers.

Change In Yard Ownership

The Sanders Lumber Yard at Yreka, Calif., has been sold to Geo. R. Pheneger, Wilson Strawn and C. J. Clause, who will operate the yard under the name of the Acme Building Material Co. Messrs. Pheneger and Cl.ause were for-merly connected with the Crater Lake Box Co., rvhile Mr. Strawn was formerly with the Diamond Match Company. Thev alsb ooerate the Lakeview Building Material i"- "t They operate Lakeview. Oresor Building Co. at T,?keview, Oregon, rryhere Mr. Claus isin charge. Mr.

An area of fugged granite peaks, the highest being Leavitt Peak, 11,575 feet.

High Sierra-761,790 acres, in the Inyo, Sierra and Sequoia National Forests. A region of perpetual snow with many mountain lakes; the headwaters of the Kings River and other streams. Typical High Sierra country with elevations from 4,000 to 14,000 feet, and many peaks above 12,000 feet.

Hoove.r-20,54o acres, located in the Mono National Forest along the crest and east side of the High Sierra. Contains many mountain lakes, meadows and numerous peaks over 13,00O feet elevation.

Marble Mountains-237,527 acres, in the Klamath National Forest, so called because of the limestone formations whi,ch resemble white marble. A high wilderness country with many lakes and streams.

Middle Eel-Yolla Bolly-143,386 acres, in the California and Trinity National Forests. Located on the headwaters of the Trinity River and smaller streams. A country of virgin forests and rugged topography with several high peaks.

Salmon-Trinity Alps-196,420 acres, in the Klamath, Shasta and Trinity National Forests. A region of granite peaks ranging from 7,000 to 8,000 feet, rvith remnants of former glaciers and showing the results of glacial action. Contains many Alpine lakes and streams

San Gorgorrio-20,000 acres, in the San Bernardino National Forest along the summit of the San Gorgonio Range. Elevations vary from 7,000 to 11,485 on San Gorgonio Peak, the highest mountain in southern California. Topography rough and broken and in some places precipitous.

San Jacinto-z3,2gt acres, in the San Bernardino National Forest. A picturesque region surrounding San Jacinto Peak, 10,805 feet, from whose summit can be seen a wide view of mountains and deserts.

South Warner-70,82 acres, in the Modoc National Forest. Located on a hig'h ridge, 15 miles long, overlooking the Nevada deserts. This ridge is a "fault" which resulted in the formation of the 'Warner Mountains. There are many glacial lakes and peaks over 9,000 feet.

Thousand Lake Valley-16,335 acres, in the Lassen National Forest. A rugged timbered area surrounding McGee Peak, containing many lakes s'cattered in the pine and fir forest.

Ventana-45,520 acres, in the Monterey Division of the Santa Barbara National Forest. A r,ough country with elevations from 1,200 to 4,80O feet on the headwaters of the Carmel and Big Sur Rivers.


Francis Donovan, of the Donovan Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., was in San Francisco recently conferring with Frank O'Connor, manager of the company's San Francisco office.


A. H. Landram, Tacoma, Wash., s.ales manager of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., was'a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent two weeks on company business. Strawn will manage the yard at Yreka.

A litde Spanish home that loots lile a re,al mancion.

ft's a beauty in exterior appearance witfi careful planning expressed in its various details.

The interior is a marvel of convenience. AII roomg ate large and well ventilated; the center hall provides direct connection to bath. A beautifully proportioned living room with arched opening into dining room, and the breatfast room ie just as pleasing as can be.

Plans for this attractive home can be fumished by the Lumbermen's Service Association

Fay Building, Los Angeles

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