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California Building-Loan League Annual
The California Building-Loan League has just completed arrangements for its 26th Annual Convention to be held at Del Monte, May 14-15-16, according to Neill Davis, secretary. H. S. Wanzer, president of the League, will preside.
Particular importan,ce is attached to the conference this year in view of the fact that California associations will soon be operating under a new Building and Loan Act whi,ch is a substantial revision on the present statute. This a'ct gives in,creased protection to the holders of one-half a billion dollars of investment certifi.cates in these institutions, Davis states. The opening day will be largely given over to an analysis of the new act. Commissioner H. L. Carnahan will give an interpretation of the more important provisions of the bill; Paul Fus.sell, legal counsel in drafting the measure and Paul Endicott, Chairman of the I-eague's Legislative Committee, will outline the technical phases of the law. George \M. Dowry, head of the Graduate School of Business at Stanford ljniversitv. is scheduled to speak on 'Economics Applied to Present 'Building and Loan." "Building Industries Congress" will be the subject of an address by Fred Meyer of San Francisco. Real estate conditions will be discussed by a representative of the California Real Estate Association. while Professor H. M. Karr of the lJniversity of California at Los Angeles will speak on "Public Relations."
Edward Landels, secretary, California Land Title Association, will address the deligates on recent developments in title_ protection. O. Rey Rule, Deputy Building and Loan Commissioner, will be heard on "Business Econom- ics." The annual banquet will be held May 15th with R. Holtby Myers, California's president of the United States Building & Loan League, as guest of honor and principal speaker. A golf tournament, fishing and motor tripi, swimming and special entertainment for the ladies will be the social features of the occasion.
C. H. 'Wade, president, State Mutual Building & Loan Association, Los Angeles, is slated for the presidency for the coming year. Strong bids for the selectibn of the-next convention city will probably be made by Pasadena and Riverside.
Install New Filing System
To eliminate the problems architects have had in keeping their A.I.A. files up to date, a complete filing system ii being installed in the Architects Builhine Mate"riaf Exhibit at Fifth and Figueroa Streets, Los Angelis. It will include catalogues from all building material ind equipment manu- facturers and will be available to architectJ ai any time.
This servi,ce will be free to both architects and manufacturers and will relieve the archite,cts of the inconvenience al-d trouble of keeping ,complete filing systems in their offices. Leading Southern California ir,chitects.have requested this service and it is expected that it will be very useful to them. Techni,cal data, pictures, etc., will be included and the files will be kept complete and up to date.
It is requested that manufacturers and agents send cataIogues in duplicate to the Ar.chitects Exhibit as sobn as possible to enable the service to.be commenced at once.