1 minute read
It may be a good 668UY" but will it SELL?
ACERTAIN product (let's call it "X") may be of fine quality. You may buy it at rock botprices, and price it right to your customers.
But it will sit in your warehouse if there is no demand for it. It will stagnare and lose money for you. Another-(we'll call ir "Y") sells rapidly, perhaps even ar a higher price.
The reason? Simply that producr "Y", unlike the product "X", is well-known. STell-knownbecause ir is nationally advertised.
To stock our yards with "bargains" is always a remptation. Good quality merchandise is offered at a low price. "It musr be a good buy", says the shrewd buyer.
But the shrewdest buyers look ahead they think of selling when they buy. "fs there going to be a demand for this 'bargain'," they ask themselves. "fs it going to move?" They rcalize thar the best buy in the world won'r make a profit unless there is a profitable lurnovet.
That is why consistent national advertising. has always been a vital part of the Celotex program.
From the first, Celotex has been backed by a powerful advertising campaign. Year in and year out the Celotex story is broadcast to the nation's millions.
This year's Celotex campaign is being carried by 54 publications. This represents, in total number of adverrisements, a force of 132,000,000 individual messages during 1931 alone. And all for one purpose-to build consumef acceplance, the only power that will turn a dealer's stock.
The Celotex Company, 919 Nonh Michigan Avenue, Chicago, flinois. fn Canada: Alexander Murray 6c Co., Ltd., Montreal. Sales distributors throughout the \D7orld.