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West Coast'Lumbermen to Meet at Portland

A meeting of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association will be held at the Hotel Portland, Portland, Ore., on Friday, May 15, 1931. The meeting will start at 10:00 a.m. This is the third of the series of monthly meetings held in the several distri,cts of the Douglas fir region during 1931. All West Coast lumbermen are invited to attend.

The progra,m of the meeting will be as follows: Columbia River Districts: Oregon and Washington

1. Cooperative selling in the Atlanti,c Coast trade; the recent organization of a mill-controlled joint selling agency on Puget Sound; explanation of the set-up and how it is expected to function. Discussion of the advantages to the mills and to the trade; to be led by Roy J. Sharp, Tacoma.

2. How the West Coast mills can constructively develop their California cargo trade; what are the selling problems involved; discussion to be led by H. W. Bunker, San Francisco.

3. Report by J. D. Tennant, president of the \Mest Coast Lumbermen's Association, on the meeting with the transcontinental railroads held in Chi'cago, February 16th. This report will be illustrated by charts used as exhibits at the Chi,cago meeting, which explain why lower eastbound freight rates would be benefi'cial to both the lum,ber industry and the western railroads.

4. Does the West Coast lumber industry want intercoastal lumber rates placed under federal control ? Discussion to be led by W. B. Greeley, secretary-manager. It is expected that legislation will be sought at the next Congress, putting inter-coastal rates under jurisdi'ction of the Interstate Commer'ce Commission or the United States Shipping Board. Bills to that effect were introdu'ced at the last Congress. The Association believes West Coast mills should give this matter thorough attention between now and the time Congress meets again. This discussion will be for the purpose of bringing out the facts, so that the West Coast Association will'have the benefit of full industry dis,cussion before determining its policy.

5. Any question,s of interest to the industry rvhich attending lumbermen desire to bring up. A get-together buffet luncfreon will be provided by the Association.

Back From Northwest Trip

M. J. "Ben" Byrnes, San Francisco lumberman, returned recently from a lGday trip to Oregon, where he visited Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, for whom he is Northern California representative, and other mill connections.

/ Willapa Harbor Merger / Completed

Definite annoLlncement of the completion of the merger of three large lumber concerns, the Raymond Lumber Co., of Raymond, Wash.; Lewis Mills ct Timber Co., of. South Bend, Wash.; Willapa Lumber Co., of Raymond, \Alash., with the Sunset Timber Co., Raymond Wash., and all the timber holdings of 4he Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. in the district, was made by C. L. Lewis, manager of the Raymond Lumber Co., at Raymond, Malt 7.

Mr. Lewis said Timber Co., will merged concerns.

that J. W. Lewis, of the Weyerhaeuser probably be named as manager of the

The value of the property involved was not stated ih the announcement, but at the time merger negotiations were started last December this was estimated to be in excess of $10,000,000.

Curing Concrete by Waterproof Paper

The Sisalkraft Co., Chicago, Ill., announces that ihey have acquired the exclusive ownership of the license under the Gage patent, re-issue No. 17,737, for the curing of concrete by waterproof paper. The Sisalkraft Co. are pioneers in the promotion of the idea of covering newly laid concrete with a waterproof paper to keep in the moisture, enabling concrete to reach its greatest possible strength and hardness.

The marketing of Sisalkraft for concrete curing started with big jobs. But for sidewalks, store floors, garage floors, driveways, basement floors, curbs, well platforms, stock feeding floors, dairy barn floors and scores of other places, it is also applicable and offers the simple, effective, economical and automatic method of curing concrete for every job-large or small.

Sisalkraft used on these jobs is sold through the retail dealer.

Percy Merithew And Roy Harrington Report Successful Fishing Trip

Percy Merithew, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., and Roy Harrington, California Moulding Co., Los Angeles, spent the first four days of the month-fly-fishing on the Noith Fork of the Owens River. They brought back a fine catch of Rainbow and Loch Leven trout.

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